Town Guard or local militia

I have been both - Mercenary and now a Lady Knight of Arandin. Being a mercenary was often a thankless and unstable line of work, it was good for me at that time because I had not yet developed my sense of worth or defined my morals and code. But, when I finally grew into myself and was offered the chance to better myself and work for the greater good in protecting the land that protected me I found satisfaction and honor beyond what words can describe.

I seek no glory for my work, those who know me know I dislike being kneeled to, for I feel I am no better than anyone else. I was just lucky enough that those in charge of our Kingdom found me worthy to bear the weight of our troubles upon my shoulders and gave me the authority to help in a leadership position. A position that is much more capable of handling the front lines and the shadows than any mercenary contract could ever give me.

In honor and duty,
Dame Lady Knight Wildescent Nightwolf ~ White Rose Keep, Kingdom of Arandin
aka Lady Death