Town Healing


Hi everyone, It's Benjamin.

I've been hearing a lot of talk about the different healing boxes in town, and how many cure lights are needed and such, but I'm of the opinion that this isn't working very well for us. Currently, there's somewhere in the vicinity of 100 cure light potions used each market day, many times as the only healing someone receives after they're knocked out of a fight. And this is happening because, aside from the few larger healing spells we have, there's really not much else we have to heal them with. All the coin in town, just about everything going into purchasing healing items, is spent on cure light potions and elixers.

This is not what should be happening. That's, at minimum, 10 gold that isn't being used on other types of potions. We need larger healing items, especially from the potion makers who are being asked to make even more cure light potions when we have plenty of alchemists who can make those. And the potion makers who aren't part of the adventurers have such high demand that their prices are nearly triple what the cost of ingredients because there is so few of them, since there aren't any big orders for potions.

Well, the point I'm trying to make is that we have been putting so much gold into cure lights that it's causing us to fall into the habit of using them as if they cost nothing, when that money could be used for more powerful items that will allow us to fight better. I've been using what potions I can make, even going as far as creating 3 batches a day to meet demand and to try and keep those of us with martial skills healthy during battle, but the scant few donations that I've gotten have left me without enough gold to make a full batch of potions for next market day, so unless the way we pay for the town's healing changes to something other than relying on charity, or get some more potion makers to cover the gap in how many potions will be available to the town, I'm going to have to charge for those potions I make starting next time we meet. I really hope that this doesn't have to be the case.
