Personally I'm of the opinion that it should be an entirely IG thing. I've played in numerous chapters. In some, it works great due to the IG community setup and background; in others, it doesn't. Neither is "good" or "bad" IMO, but I think it depends a *lot* more on the characters involved, and how they organize, than it does on the players involved. It does, of course, take player willingness to start and continue!
A good example is the "should IG title holders get extra shares conversation?". To me, that is a question that should be debated and decided completely in-game. For example, I play 2 characters in Oregon (Arannin and now Esthe), each of which may have their own separate opinion on which way to go on that question.
A good example is the "should IG title holders get extra shares conversation?". To me, that is a question that should be debated and decided completely in-game. For example, I play 2 characters in Oregon (Arannin and now Esthe), each of which may have their own separate opinion on which way to go on that question.