Tracking Skills and Magic Items During Game

We know that as you play it can be a challenge to keep track of what Skills or Magic Item charges you've used during a battle. Even after as long as the Owners have played we still need to remind ourselves to keep track of things regularly. In the coming months one of our goals is to ensure our Players are doing a good job of pulling tags and keeping track of things after fights so that we're all more conscious of our Characters.

To help with that, here's a template that Matt's been using for a while to help himself keep track of things at events.

You don't need to have been playing as long as Matt for this template to be useful. You can adapt the spreadsheet to keep track of spells, physical skills, transform abilities, or any other times per day skill.

If you've got questions, feel free to ask Matt or post them here and I'm sure he'll be happy to help you out.

If you do want to use this or another template, please make sure to bring them with you to Logistics. If your template is approved then it will get signed just like a character card.



Not sure what you mean by "blank." The spreadsheet as posted doesn't contain the names of spells, abilities, etc. because it is designed to be filled in by the Player. For example, Players can fill in the names of the Spells they memorize and then use cell formatting to add the crosshatch indicating the number of times they memorize a given cell.

That said, if the file you download doesn't look like the screenshot posted above, you may have a bad download, be looking at the wrong 'sheet' in the file, or have some mystery problem that we cannot solve without more information.