Training for the times ahead


Chicago Staff
If the last two market days have indicated anything, it's that troubled times are ahead of us. Be it the Corrupt or the Forsaken, everyone needs to be prepared. I've done all that I could to pass on the knowledge to young adventurers like myself in the art of Earth casting each market day. I've seen many others have the patience to do so as well in other fields. However, for what we face in the coming months, just a few teachers is not enough. Thus, in order to expedite adventurers wishing to learn certain skills, be it martial or scholarly, I am going to do my best to match people who wish to become more adept bettering themselves. Gorka is doing a fantastic job bringing people together, but 1 person is not enough. I urge all those with patience to seek out adventurers young and old, to spread our vast knowledge in these times of need. Thank you,

My goodness Asher, you must have read my mind, as of recently I have the patience to take on a student or two over this market day, and I also wish to gather those who can teach to pass on their knowledge.

Asher and Izz'Rak are right. I for one would be more then happy to share and teach my knowledge of weapons with as many that wish to learn. If there is a skill in weaponry anyone wishes to obtain please feel free to ask me. If your life is what you fear may be lost and wish for more protection as you advance on your quests and adventures please allow me accompany you so that you may feel the safety of a friend nearby. For if I am needed on the next market day please let me know so I may start my travels.

- Evi the Mystic Wood Elf
I still need to learn how to avoid weapon blows, how to disarm an opponent without the use of spells, how to fight with any weapon, and how to mix elixirs. I have been unable to find anyone with any of these skills and the patience to teach. I am unlikely to be in the area again soon, but if I do happen to make it, I would find it a pleasant surprise to be able to learn one of these skills. Crow needs to learn how to hit consistently harder from behind. Sorry I didn't get a chance to teach you, Crow.

For those that can come to Wayside in a little over a week,

I am extremely skilled at educating others, and can take five students per day. I know the complete Earth school of magic, including formal magics. I can also educate people of the celestial magics, through the seventh circle of magic. Let me know if you're interested in expanding your mind.

Eric Marsters
In the morning I will take my breakfast in the earth Circle to be available to teach or help find teachers on behalf of the Earth Guild of Gaden. Gorka invite Adventures and solders, and farmers and people of all kind to come and learn skills and knowledge about not dying, preventing death, and killing undead.

I also encourage all the adventures to teach the local populace, we can better help a people who can help themselves first.

- Gorka
Healer of the Gaden Earth Guild
Apprentice to Journeymen Kovu
Stag spirit Champion
Sister in Shadow's Light
Cousin to the Black Wolves
Niece to Forest's Edge
Protected by Gubba
I tried to organize a collaborative "training circle" thing for right after breakfast last summer and passed it off to some adventurers to keep organizing but they sorta stopped showing up. I know then we had a lot of people learning skills and teaching them. I'd honestly like to see that happen again so no one is stuck looking for a teacher for 6 months on how to properly deflect a blow or increase their weapon skills, that seems like a really stupid reason to die or have someone else die.

I'm not the most patient guy but I can probably spare a bit to teach someone the basics.

Me can take two students each day. Me have skill in all production skills except make scroll. Me also have other skills, ask if interest.

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in the Trader's Guild of Roskaria
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I am fairly skilled in Celestial magics (up to the 8th tier), and am very fond of explaining the methodology and manipulation of these energies. However, while I prefer magical teaching, I can also teach basic martial skills, if need is great enough.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Celestial Neophyte of Gaden
Train all you want seeker of flame, violator of forbidden lands, enjoy what time is left to you, as you will be extinguished before the Moon turns it's face once again away from Fortannis. You have cursed me and my brethren with powers not meant for your hands so we will curse you and your fellows with ours, know that this will be the foretelling of your doom and our arrival. You were warned not to approach the walk, and violated this willingly, you have been punished and discouraged by each of our four, each bringing their own wrath and warning. Still you persist in your perversions and insults, you continue to meddle in affairs that are not yours. Our natures now compel us to a final solution to those that can not be dissuaded, remember however on that night blood, on the evening of madness, that you brought this upon yourselves, demanded it as your right.

When all has been concluded, we will again be remembered for what we've been forced to do, and will return to our eternal torment of memories of those that choose to cross the lines that cannot be crossed.

To those of our people, the tribesmen and women, do not die in this dishonorable manner, stand with us and slay those who violate our most vital taboos and earn yourselves honor in your ancestors eyes, so that you might avoid a fate tied closely with the Forsaken.

-He who was Forsaken to the Flame, To burn eternally to stop the wrath of flame from descending upon the people.
Stay away from him!

Wait what? forsaken to this curse to save people? why kill us then? how do we fix it? Why kill the snake people? Why work along with the corrupt? Why Charm me and leave me alone to dissipate in a cold dark place?

- Gorka
Hello All.
I have a few questions.
I was not at a couple of market days.
What did we do that made these people mad at us?
Is there a way to fix it?
I'm not sure why all the talk of death and such.
I would like to know what happened and who exactly did this and why?
Please let me know.
Crow He is the forsaken of flame, his brother of lightning bit Gandian. You yourself performed my reselection when the Forsaken of flame himself killing blowed me. Lok was bitten by this Forsaken of flame that is when Lok killed himself so that this forsaken would have no power over him. Crow you know this foe.

- Gorka

Do you recall what happened to us in June? I will gladly remind you. The Forsaken of Flame stormed into Hopes Reach the Friday's market day and slew 7 of our comrades, you and I included. He has brought this upon us, and I look forward to the resolution.

Hello All.
Thank you Gorka and Asher for the information.
Yep i know the lightning and fire forsaken.
I think i was with Gandian when we met forsaken of flame the first time.
I remember when he was bit also.
Now i know what happened.
I will make sure i am able to help everyone out.
Thanks all.
(Absent-sounding, as if thinking aloud.) Don't you vish sometimes dhat ve could just hear zhe whole story from both sides, from start to finish, vit'out any cryptic messages in zhe middle..? It seems to me I never qvite know vhere dhis t'ings begin.... (Sigh.)

If absolutely neccessary, I can probably stand to show von student per day somet'ing I know.

Talitha Razvanna Vashti
Seeker of Lightning
Caretaker of Werebears and Bottles
Volpe missed all of this. Volpe probably should stop marking so many trees and suspect townies are beginning to notice it. Nah, most can't smell undead, so just Volpe being suspicious as well newcomer should be.

Always keep the snifferazzi at bay!
i've been listening with some interest for this would be of much benfit to everyone, i myself could take up to 2 students, my skills are mostly for combat but i have a few other skills that are useful.
Iganeous Ironforge