Trap triggers


Other than the usual trap trigger of mousetraps... what are some other clever and safe triggers you guys have used in the past?


Timers (the tick tick ding variety)
lights (requires some rudimentary electronics knowledge)
You can get electronic buzzers at Radio Shack for less than two dollars along with the connector end needed to attach them to a 9v battery for like fifty cents more. There's directions on how to take these along with tacks and a cloths pin and make a trap out of them in the rulebook, pg 109-110.
The old personal protection alarms that scream when you pull the pin out of them are a lot of fun as tripwires as well. -Everyone- knows when that trap goes off.
I've also used the inexpensive door and window alarms that you can just stick on. When the magnets break contact the alarm goes off, but somebody with legerdemain only needs to flip the switch to disarm it. Works on chests and doors, but can also be used as a trip wire if you anchor the base and attach the wire to the magnet.
I like the party poppers
they got a string tht when you pull it the bottle shaped thingie on the end explodes sending Confetty out
there used for weddings and partys and well a neat trip wire trigger with sound and a built in blast radus :)

I've also used the "twin string" poppers also. (Strings at both ends, the middle is basically paper covering the noise/light "pop". Pull either or both ends, and it will go off.)
AllianceCHI said:
Other than the usual trap trigger of mousetraps... what are some other clever and safe triggers you guys have used in the past?



I got the chance finally (!) to see how traps are set up from Paul at the national event. It was very cool. For all this time I really thought it was incredibly difficult, and so I was afraid to even try. He used a frying pan HAHA
Those mouse traps are loud though!

Thanks for involving me in that Paul! It was one of the highlights of my weekend at the National Event!
Those were easy and nasty little traps.... I loved my frying pan trap... I almost cried that the entire party stepped over it and the last person kicked it and it didn't leave 5 ft or go off....ARRRG.

The trap wasn't a dud though the moment I picked the pan up during mod cleanup... wham!... next time I need to set some treasure 1/2 sticking out to entice more interest.

I love traps... I just wish I could get some that are faster to set and harder to bypass.
That trap was the first one... its not my fault Bezerked Eldandiril kicked it 3.5 ft and then tripped the weapon trap instead. :(

I liked my frying pan trick... look for more and other devilish ideas soon Joy. :)
Don't feel bad, Paul. During part of the dungeon crawl, Josh ended up spending 20 minutes trying to disarm a chest that someone accidentally left downstairs.
I've seen the greeting cards with sounds broken down into a trap trigger for a box lid-- light sensitive traps are evil. There are also lots of similar ready made electronics that can be creatively misapplied. For example, some of those automatic coupon dispensers you see in supermarkets actually have an antitheft device built into them-- if the dispenser tilts at greater than a 45 degree angle (or something around there) from "upright" an alarm sounds. A friend in high school picked some up when the store near him redid their shelving and the dispensers were no longer compatible.
I once made my own mercury switches for traps.

Then I realized that part of the fun of traps IS being able to disarm them. So I 'dumbed' my traps down a bit so that a trapper would have a small chance (or better) of disarming them instead of a slim chance.
So while we are talking trap triggers. I tossed tougher a box trap for someone and while I was doing it, I came to wonder if I could build what is in effect a self disarming trap.

The idea is it has a pressure switch on the bottom, which when its picked up, will keep the hard-to-disarm part on the inside, from going off at all when you open it. Now, is that legal? Because it means that someone with out legerdemain can disarm a trap with out actually trying to.
See, I really dislike using things like mercury switches or light/motion sensors for traps in Alliance games. We don't have access to modern electronics, or magic to duplicate them, for anything else, so why should traps be different?
Wraith said:
See, I really dislike using things like mercury switches or light/motion sensors for traps in Alliance games. We don't have access to modern electronics, or magic to duplicate them, for anything else, so why should traps be different?

Light and motion sensors don't really seem right, unless there is some way to disarm it before it can possibly go off. Other than that, I don't mind the anachronisms -- they just represent real traps. The key is whether they can be disarmed reasonably.