Tisztelet People of the Maelstrom, and travelers to November Gathering therein,
Like many, it seems, I am traveling to Maelstrom for November gathering. My companion Hildr' feels strong pull to return to her former home; I am accompanying her.
Through dreamscape, I have heard some of what you are fighting, but by no means is it complete. I do not know what resources you have or need. I expect neither do many travelers. I am unsure what spells and higher magics to prepare for these travels. Guidance is appreciated.
It is my hope other travelers might speak in this dreamscape as well to share what resources they bring to your lands in upcoming battles.
For myself, I am táltos. This is meaning I am healer and tender of body, heart, mind, spirit, and tribe; I am ritualist; I speak to spirits and mediate between peoples. I am Earth spellcaster of full ninth circle, thirteenth circle of channeling, and am of sixteenth circle of higher magics.
I travel with Hildr', with whom you may already be familiar, as she hails from Maelstrom. I am unwilling to travel apart from her in foreign lands except for very good reason, if this is important for your planning and consideration.
Táltos and Oathsworn,
from Dragonhold and Acarthia
OOG translation:
Like many, it seems, I am traveling to Maelstrom for November gathering. My companion Hildr' feels strong pull to return to her former home; I am accompanying her.
Through dreamscape, I have heard some of what you are fighting, but by no means is it complete. I do not know what resources you have or need. I expect neither do many travelers. I am unsure what spells and higher magics to prepare for these travels. Guidance is appreciated.
It is my hope other travelers might speak in this dreamscape as well to share what resources they bring to your lands in upcoming battles.
For myself, I am táltos. This is meaning I am healer and tender of body, heart, mind, spirit, and tribe; I am ritualist; I speak to spirits and mediate between peoples. I am Earth spellcaster of full ninth circle, thirteenth circle of channeling, and am of sixteenth circle of higher magics.
I travel with Hildr', with whom you may already be familiar, as she hails from Maelstrom. I am unwilling to travel apart from her in foreign lands except for very good reason, if this is important for your planning and consideration.
Táltos and Oathsworn,
from Dragonhold and Acarthia
OOG translation:
- Hey other people traveling to Maelstrom in November, respond with what you bring to a battle/town gathering.
- Full 4-column Earth tree, 13 ranks of channeling, 16 ranks of high magic.
- Craftsman: Táltos, which is essentially a shaman, just from my OOG heritage so as to be less appropriative.
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