Traveling to TC


Hey Everyone,

John and I are planning on making a trip up to the TC chapter the weekend of June 4-6. Just wanted to let people know in case others might be up for re-creating tent city again this year! Should be an awesome time!

I am very likely going as well. I will leave from Ann Arbor and often it is just me in my little saturn, so if someone should want a lift, well I can easily take 1 or 2 people.

two31.39two.6056 cell =)
Also, if anyone really cares, we will be playing Durk M'Jurk and Noni McNonipants while up in TC.


Booo. I woulda gone if you two were playing yer secondaries. I'd play Allie and I'd healsauce yer faces off. Too bad. =(

If you promise to show up, Sturve, I will totally play Virgil.

I will promise to come if you guys play your secondaries. I'm enjoying playing the good guy, and Ashnar is very Chaotic Neutral. And Al, I'm playing Ashnar at the national event, I'll get PLENTY of my Magic Storm on there. =)
Brigit and I are on the fence. We'll know better in late May.

Joe and Bridget!!!

I will ride in your battle tank truck with you and pay for ALL the gas, if you drive and I can sleep in the back!!!!


Sadly, the April event was the last hurrah for The Beast. We had to return it, as the owner wants to sell it.

Fine!!! I do not make this offer lightly....because I HATE CLEANING my car, but if you two want to ride up with me....i will clean my car out and yous can ride in the saturn.

Christine - do you know yet if you and Justin are NPCing this next weekend? thinking ...