Trying to reach Chaz Bender


Hi Chaz, if you read this board, could you shoot me a quick email at deadlandsagm at gmail dot com When last i saw you, you told me the name of a place to look for costuming. I went and forgot it!

IF someone knows that Chaz would not mind, could you either put me in touch, or let me know how to get in touch with him. I could not find him through obvious means.

Thank You

His board name is literally "Chazz" so you can PM him there if you need to.
Spelled "Chazz." One 'Z' is not enough to contain it.

You are looking for Unfortunately their online selection is nothing in comparison to their Manhattan superstore. I strongly recommend a trip to this store for anyone that plays this game. Not to mention that right around the corner is the Forbidden Planet, one of the coolest comic/ collectable shops around, and the Strand bookstore home to an impressive selection of hard to find and out of print books.

You may also be interested in Be careful with this site though, some wigs look really good in picture but if the price is too unreal to believe their is probably a good reason for it. Most of the stuff is really high quality though.

--Chazz <--who is unaffiliated with either place but loves and recommends them to friends.
Mmm, Forbidden Planet. I love that place more than most people.
Thank You kind Sir!

Sorry to have missed you guys this weekend. Couldn't get the time off from work, and have a bunch of stuff going on. Sounds like folks had fun though! See you all in the spring, if not sooner.
