twinspire day event



So, who all is showing up tomorrow?

Are we going to want stuff set up at PC camp? Should I bring sodas/drinks for the rebuilt tavern? If so, what do people prefer?

Obviously I am not a PC, but if you want to bring anything to set up in the tavern and it is not a major pain for you, have at. For planning purposes, be aware we are planning to set the tavern up in the same place we did last time (by the bridge at the far end of the upper field). I cannot guarantee any props from staff at this time but I will see if we can bring anything.
I'll be there. I usually have a stash of my own drinks, though, so I have no useful input on the matter of whether you should bring any.

We just bought a bunch of extra card tables for a recent games party, should I toss one in the car in case we want more surface area?
Yeah, a card table would be nice.

I'll bring the sunshade to put up over it.