Two Ultra Light two handed swords,


If you know how to make Ultra light 2 handed swords (with an ultra light core) and need to make some money, well guess what, I'm willing to pay, YOU. No longer do you need to dontate some plasma so you can play the next event (yes, i may have done that, but i deny it!!!) Not only will i pay you cold hard cash, in untraceable bills, I will pay above the market rate. I need them for september. Get a hold of me, first before you make them.

Donating plasma to the ground as you spew blood everywhere before game starts doesn't count, Brooks. =)

Super glad to hear you're coming to the long event!

ya, well it was back in the day that seth was running two events a month. That can put the hurt on a college kid wallet. After that, I knew i needed to get a job, so I worked the overnight shift at the front desk. I traded plasma for sleep depravation . It was all good. I hope this trip is far less expensive. And I'm not bringing any knives!
