unwarded cabin at Gamehaven


If anyone else is interested in bunking in an unwarded cabin in May, that'd be awesome. I'd prefer to not make my Celestial-allergic butt overnight in a tent. If there were three other folx who wanted to do so, I'd be willing to drop in half the $60 cabin reservation cost if the rest of y'all each chip in $10.
Myself (Kallith) and Keladry will be glad to go in on this with you, as long as you are not opposed to us warding or dropping a circle of power on our side of the cabin only.
Maybe, depending on the size of the cabin and my proximity to the ward. I'd prefer a fully unwarded cabin, but since I don't get the luxury of a paranoid and battle-ready Baeleon sleeping in and guarding my bunk area this season I may make concessions. :P
I gotta have a ward, how else will I prevent people from stealing my socks? I'm sure to can arraign it to be comfortable to you where you won't have to touch the ick ^.^
Hey Azeban, it sounds like Bryce (Bruisey) and I (Elros) would be fine sleeping under an unwarded cabin if that would be less itchy for you.
Azeban would be cool with either of those options, but would def. lean towards Bruisey and Elros for unwardedness. Would you two be able to help with reservation cost? I can cover up to half of it.
Of course, and I'm good if we just wanna split it evenly 3 ways too then as well. (Unless a 4th were to come along)
I'm good with whatever we decide for splitsys
Y'all are awesome. I'll slap the reservation down, and if you just want to get me some cash at event then Team Smash n' Grab... erm, I mean Team Noble Warrior Heroes of the Realm... will be in business.