Update on Race Packets needed


So the Elf Racial packet still lists weapon restrictions, in the 2.0 pre-release packet you can find this line under section 5.2 for the race changes -> In general, all weapon-related restrictions have been removed.

Is it the intent that Elven characters in Minnesota avoid using two-handed weapons or was that a hold-over from 1.3?
In a similar vein, I have to admit to being quite disappointed by the Biata packet.

I thought we just got done having an extended discussion in why societies in game for PC backgrounds with legalized and institutionalized necromancy are a bad idea.
It was only mentioned briefly, but our plot will be taking place in the nation of Erabella described in the Human packet. As we tried to point out in the Biata packet, in the "Biata outside of Yushein" section, PCs who want to write that their Biata was born and raised in that nation should keep in mind that their departure to another nation would be done so as fugitives, and would likely have taken place because of the PC's dislike of the legalized and institutionalized necromancy.

We have no intention now, or in the near future, to have any games which take place within a nation that sponsors or supports necromancy.
I understand and appreciate that. At the same time, framing an entire race packet such that a PC race is a clear antagonist on a national scale and any PCs built according to the national level race packet are social outcasts from the race as written locally is... not reassuring.
I agree. That seems very unfair.
I understand and appreciate that. At the same time, framing an entire race packet such that a PC race is a clear antagonist on a national scale and any PCs built according to the national level race packet are social outcasts from the race as written locally is... not reassuring.
I don’t see where it says X race MUST come from the primary nation of their race. A PC could come from a town where Biata who fled started a new town or city. I feel there are plenty of options provided for new PC characters to choose where they come from and how they are getting by.

I don’t think people will just assume any Biata is “evil”. There are plenty of “X nation of Y race is bad” throughout Alliance; SoMN had Boemae and the 1 PC from there wasn’t Ostracized by the PCs.

It’ll only be bad if people just assume they are evil which honestly I don’t feel will be a problem.

Again, it’s a new plot team, new “chapter”. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt in their intent.
I think that there -was- only one character from there may be a better indication, and we're talking about necromancy. The one thing in the game that is Always Evil and has entire character races written to inherently oppose it.

That said, yes, there's nothing that says PCs have to be from Yushein, but my question in that case is why one would go to the effort of developing a racial backstory for the chapter that the vast majority of characters of said race will be actively opposed to instead of using that content in the players' guide or similar as illustration of a potential antagonist.
I think that there -was- only one character from there may be a better indication, and we're talking about necromancy. The one thing in the game that is Always Evil and has entire character races written to inherently oppose it.
Quick reminder that Bomae was functionally added to the campaign as a known part of the world after around 6 years of the SoMN campaign, so the reason that there was only one PC that decided to be from Bomae because there was only 1 new player Biata that started in the chapter after Bomae had been discovered, not because of any necromantic/villainous associations that Bomae had. There might have been more if more new players played Biata or if Bomae had been around earlier on in the story.

There are a lot of comparisons that one could make between the Yushein and Bomae info at the present, and since Bomae didn't break the setting before, I don't think Yushein will break the setting here. :)
As the one Biata from Bomae it was a pleasant experience and i believe the new world will provide a similar experience to what i experienced in SOMN. I do see the race packet itself even providing justification for why a biata may be outside of the home nation and believe our wonderful community wont act in ways that would make this an unpleasant experience to play. That being said i do believe that the biata race packet is interesting but not for me and as someone who was considering creating a new character it did push me over the edge top act on it but i am excited to be trying new things and still believe the biata race holds a certain spot for the right player who is looking for that experience.
"SoMN had Boemae and the 1 PC from there wasn’t Ostracized by the PCs."
"As the one Biata from Bomae"


Speaking as the resident most-appearing-in-recent-seasons gorgeously feathered and impeccably armored Lord of Sky and Earth, I'm mostly fine with the Biata packet. Honestly, it's got no more complications for the greatest of PC species than Bomae used to. Or to a lesser extent the whole slaves to other peoples thing of Wayside (we won't dignify those peoples and giving them any attention above their stature by speaking their name).

The only imperfect part about it is when you lump the primary NPC country of a species into something most will see as villainous, you do tint the perception of that species as a whole. All jokes aside, I have heard plenty of unglowing things about Biata back in Gaden due to the interactions with Bomae. It will be nice if the species has a greater depth in presented NPCs during events than just representatives/adversaries from BadWrongFun NecromanyLand.
Well, then, if the two Biatas (besides one red female Biata- who hasn't weighed in yet) are ok with it, then I'm good.