

Chicago Staff
After a journey to the In-Between and returning through the Mist it occurred to me that there was truly nothing left in The Wildlands. I had my physical home, sure, as well as the Forge Jehyu built and the lumber mill I established with York. There were buildings, objects, tokens, but no one left. I realized it was time to toss aside the old, and start fresh, like much of you have. So it's time to leave Lord Oakheart behind, and embark onward again, simply as Druid Asher in the lands of Erabella.

I've read up on the history, listened to the dreaming and feel I have a sense of the situation. What do you feel I can bring to this scenario? My skills have not changed since the magical shift, as I am still capable of True Empowering the greatest of Fortanis' magic.

For the spot Evoder was defeated, has anyone performed a Resonance Ritual yet to gain a better picture of what happened? Would this be something worth doing?

This may be a bad idea, but it maybe useful...

I have with me an object with no purpose in Erabella, but one that took the energies of many Dryads to create, one even giving a portion of their spirit. It has no power here, but sometimes components in Ritual casting do not need to be magical, they merely need to serve as a memory, a focus. I want to use this focus, as well as a True Empowerment on a Summon Magical Creature scroll to invite Halvar, The Lost Shepard into a audience. I don't know if it would work, but the more I heard about the land of Nyolume and the tragic state it is in, I felt I should help. It's also an understanding that the Djinn represent their favorites. As Halvar is the youngest, and of my kin, maybe he will provide insights into this new world. This could be a valuable moment, even if just that to talk to these beings.

I look forward to seeing you all again in a few weeks,

Druid of Serenity Among Discord
I have been meaning to get a vision or resonance cast on the ritual that destroyed Evoder. If you could true empower them, the town box would be happy to compensate.

Zen Mallowbrooks
I believe the town box has a Resonace or 3 last I checked, unless these were used. Can we get a list of the rituals currently in the town box? I know I left with maybe 7 scrolls, but Im sure its been added to in a year.

Reverse Life Force
Oblit and catalyst
Gift of Life


Sat feels strange not callsin you Lord. Yous is talkin to da right person about the town box. Zen has been keeping records of what is in it so fars.

Squire Bruisey Foemangler
The town box has the following scrolls:
Planar asylum x2
Spirit Farewell
Banish to other plane
Seek the whole x3
March of the untiring x2
Universal speech
Gift of Life
Summon Magical Creature
Whispering wind
Destroy magic
Merchant's Insight (to be used on the tavern at some point)

There is also another notable scroll and catalyst in the box that I am not going to list here. If you kept the box before, you probably know what I am talking about.

I also have a Lore and a Vision scroll in my possession that I will be glad to donate for finding out Evoder's downfall.

Zen Mallowbrooks
I knew I forgot a few. The scroll and cat I already mentioned, so there isnt much need to keep silent on that. Oh those 3 Seek the Wholes....

Does it also still contain the special materials for crafting and star dust from Wildlands as well? That should be given out for potions, elixirs and weapons or it’ll sit around.

I don't know about the stardust. It's not on my list. The crafting materials are in there. I was planning on using them to commission some things for the box, such as extra weapons and cure disease potions before the next gathering.

I'm planning on offering a few of the scrolls to be bought at a reasonable price because they dont feel like they belong in there. Specifically, the Summon Magical Creature. I can't think of a possible use for it that would benefit the town as a whole.

The scroll and catalyst aren't a secret, I just dont want to flaunt it.

Zen Mallowbrooks
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Hi Asher! It's Silp!

I don't really know if summonin' somethin' ever really goes as planned, especially if the somethin' is super powerful like this sounds like it'd be, but if you decide it's a good idea, I'm plannin' to travel out from the Plateau and visit this Erabella place, so you'll have another dryad around for support when talkin' to the super powerful dryad-likin' thing! It'll be great to see you again!

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, either with this or anythin' else, really! I still suck at magic, but I'm still pretty good at the same other stuff I've always been good at!

~ Silp

Starting over has been difficult but if there's anything I can do to make it easier, please let me know. You're welcome to stay with the caravan, we always have space. I'm sure Beryl would thoroughly enjoy someone to talk magic with.

Do not worry Jamina, I have found other accommodations.

I'm still open to Ritual casting on both Friday and Saturday if needed.

I have also been researching this scroll and no matter how I work it, I'm unable to categorize the Djinn, so I can safely say a Summon Magical Creature will not work. It was however worthwhile to investigate.
