Urgent Component need.


Chicago Staff

Does anyone have a traveling Pyrotis that they would be willing to trade with me? I have a couple componentsec that I would be willing to do an even one for one trade with for the component I am missing.

Thank you,
Eldandiril Zanabanath
Cupbearer to Duchess Fairfax

I will be happy to trade you a pyrotis, it may sound strange but I'd like to trade for a couple of locally tied components if that works for you? I am not in any specific need of the type of component.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
I don't currently have any tied to the land that i remember but I will get back to you if I find some in my things chest.

Eldandiril Zanabanath
Cupbearer to Duchess Fairfax
In that case an even trade for what you have extra of would be fine.
