Vacation next week


I am on Vacation next week. Wed, Thurs, , or Friday I want to take a trip to N.Y.C. I plan to take a train from Stamford Ct. to Grand central.

I want to go to little china, and then to Wall Street and do some buying and selling on the market.

Seeing if anyone wants to come hang out and have a good time with Toddy.


( DISCLAIMER: I am a little wild IRL, It will be a fast paced, crazy, "Ferris Bueler, day off" kinda day on super crack x100)
On a related note, I live far far away from where Toddy will be that weekend, so anyone who needs to escape the Toddy Invasion can drop me a PM and we'll work out how early you can arrive up here.
Ironically, I am actually planning to go to the Met that Wed. However, I plan to spend the time leisurely strolling around a museum, and not traipsing around after Toddy. No offense man! And aside from Henrietta that might actually be the safest spot in NY 'cause I doubt he could get 5 steps in the door without security deciding he is too much of a hazard to the artwork. ;)

Hope you have a great time! If you wanted to meet up for dinner or something that would be cool.
if i had like a bazillion times the energy and knew that naked people would not be involved i would LOVE to go with toddy just to see what he's like IRL...i can't even IMAGINE...boggles the mind....alas...i will remain in vermont and watch the grass grow and the cows plop...but hope to see you in caldaria next weekend
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
....alas...i will remain in vermont and watch the grass grow and the cows plop...

Haha! I'm doing the same thing in Oklahoma, but it's all dry here so no watching the grass grow. :(
Ithica said:
Im going to the musuem!


AAAAAAAACK! Bar the doors!

Now that he has given them warning they will be prepared.
THE museum!
the met i think? that seems to be THE museum heheheheh

i would love to go to NYC...i went once..but on a very limited budget and could only stay from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. i want to go ALLLLLLLLLLL day..maybe two takes a while to see everything...

weird part is it was me and my morrisville vt friend we had no idea what we were doing didn't know how to get around NO ONE speaks english so we went into an s'barro and got lunch ...sirens going off loud sounds all around people screaming and hollaring and we're freaking out everyone else is just enjoying their lunch...i'm thinking "thank God for Vermont!"
science, art, technology, history, you name it...thats why they call it THE museum

look up the metropolitan museum on the internet...
Make it this weekend and you can see Toddo!
I wish I could go! I know a little secret about Toddy's vacations. They come complete with background theme music written and performed by Andew WK.

I think that kid might be on drugs.

Or maybe a moron.

I kept hoping he would flail around and fall down the stairs at the end.