Vacation next week

tieran said:
I think that kid might be on drugs.

Or maybe a moron.

I kept hoping he would flail around and fall down the stairs at the end.

You're never happy with just plain vanilla are you? You always need the injury whipped cream...for cyrin' out loud!
I prefer injury Cool Whip.

I'm allergic to whipped cream.
Its not all that bad... I pretty much always preferred Cool Whip anyways.
Toddy's vacation is going to be crazy if there is Cool Whip of any sort involved.
if trading on wall street really looks like it does in the movies...i'm pretty sure it would get physical and i'd end up hurting someone...its way too chaotic looking for me...but todd is just thatenergetic...i'm certain he can handle it
Ithica would get his butt whipped on Wall Street.

Or he'd get picked up by some dude.
He wears a dress.
Yeah... but when you do it in the streets of NYC its a very different story.
Yeah, I'm so glad my trip is the day before. I have a feeling there won't be anything left when Toddy is done. I swear though if he messes up the economy even more by starting a food fight on Wall Street I will personally kick his butt, and I will not use boffer weapons.