Very realistic animal/kin masks


Hola! bunch of my stuff turned up at national this weekend and I couldnt be more thrilled.
Im not open for new projects at this time, but heres more of my stuff for future refference if you are thinking about getting one during a future opening: 3

LARP masks are flexible and non-latex!

B and I play in the same chapter here in Colorado. Many of our player base wear masks made by her. I can first-hand attest to the quality and beauty of her masks. Great stuff! Definitely worth trying to get into her next rotation when she opens up again.
Sorry for the delayed reply! I open up 3 times a year to take on 4-ish months worth of projects at a time. My next, and final opening for 2016 will be at the end of August, with completions of that set between then and the end of December. Exact date will be released in a few months and I put out a lot of announcements when I am getting ready to take more stuff. If you follow the provided links, they will take you to my Deviantart account where you can view my commission information, base prices and other nittygritty by following other various links once there : )