Visions for June (important changes, with a deadline)


2 Important Changes:

#1 Unfortunately, my supplier of Vision scrolls did not come into town as I was expecting. So I am running a bit low. For the upcoming gathering, I would encourage those seeking Visions to do a little work for the kingdom and get a scroll and 3 Mana. Of course if you supply the scroll and Mana, the only cost is my time (2 gold if you tell me the target before the gathering so I can prepare, 3 gold if you do not) Remember, you only have 5 more days to get requests to the kingdom quartermaster in time for the gathering. If you do not understand how to get requests into the quartermaster, send me a private message. This is a temporary issue, I will be securing a new supply at the next gathering.

#2 In an effort to foster good relations with the adventuring community, the growing Celestial Society will be providing free castings on Friday night for anyone who provides the scroll/components and desires a vision on one or more of the following subjects:

--The Planar War
--Jared Silverstar's situation

These are general topics and not specific enough for a meaningful vision target. Please coordinate with Gideon on a specific target.
As nobles of these lands, Sir Mathis and Lord Lukas may each request a Vision topic to be added to this list as they may have knowledge of threats to the land the Celestial Society is not aware of. The Society requests that the noble's topics be meaningful to the adventures at large, but is not a requirement.

Nothing else changes. Visions are most organized to happen on Friday night. I still have Visions to cast, if you would rather just pay coin, but the supply is limited, so first requested/ first cast.

The more time I have to prepare the elements, the better your Vision will be.

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Today is that last day to request Visions from the Kingdom quartermaster. 3 mana is needed per vision.

Even if you aren't sure of a target, be sure to get the request in.
