Visiting, Lodging, Vacation


Chicago Staff

The Sheltered Lands are great, but sometimes it's good to go out to other lands and take in new scenery. Of course, the logical choice would be to visit Wayside again, but that is a horrible place and no one should go there.

Thus, this seemed the furthest place from there, and a few years back I traveled to The Valley of Ghost, which I was informed a few years ago was also remedied. So my question is, where do I go, how do I get to where everyone gathers and what should I know?

I also hate to inquire, but if anyone has lodging I could stay at that would be greatly beneficial as well.

I look forward to seeing some familiar faces I've met while at The Valley or during The Rebellion of 5 Kingdoms. I know I plan to arrive in about 10 days time, assuming I don't get lost and my town isn't under some world-ending threat.

- Asher Oakheart
Lord of Horizon, within The Valley of Solace
Lord Oakheart,

The city you seek is known as Ceriopolis, in the lands of Calliphestus. The Valley of Ghosts was located on the south eastern part of the continent, where our city is located at the very center. The mists usually lead travelers near the city.

We can give you a full briefing upon arrival, but for now I caution you to beware of elementals, extraplanar monsters, and goblinoids. Finding you accommodations will not be difficult when you arrive. There are many good folk here. If you require further assistance you are welcome to call upon my service. Travel swiftly and safely.

-Luke Bluwolf
Dominus Aether of Whispers and Thunder
Dominus Bluwolf,

Fantastic! I will take your advice and try to avoid trouble when necessary. I wish not to step on anyone's toes, but I seem to find myself with a lot of Earthen Formal manipulation available should anyone require anything. I am trained enough to Summon a Magistarium Overlord with the normal chance of ritual failure, not that I would, or have any desire to summon one...

- Asher
Lord Asher,

I believe I recall you in assisting us in our fight against the Corrupt, and with the casting of a Bountiful Harvest. The Earth has a powerful ally in you, and if none have extended an offer of lodging to you, then I will discuss your need with my partner, Dominus Chaus.

For those who'd rather invite him, I personally vouch for him, should you need it.

Dominus Vitae
House of Pain and Purity
The New Leaf Academy, which serves as the Earth Guild and keeps the Ceriopolis' earth circle, is generally welcoming and generally has space. It seems as though your interests would be congruent with theirs. They are not always easy to reach from outside the city, however.

Dominus Mortem Vellis Valeriana Tsalarioth Psychopompos, of the House of Temperance and Ruin
Thank you both. I am not picky in the slightest and I'm sure both houses would be welcoming.

Zeth, if Dominus Chaus has room, I will gladly accept, otherwise, I can look to The New Leaf Academy for lodging.

I simply wish to make myself of use, wherever I may be of service.

Lord Asher, it will be good to see you again! I look forward to meeting with you in the Ceriopolis.

-Lord Polare Lissenstine
The New Leaf Academy would be happy to lend you a bed for your visit if you need one though we might be tight on space.We are the earth guild of sorts that Focuses on Healing, Learning and Protection. We also tend to the earth circle.

I look forward to meeting you,
Sprig Elliottia
Equitem for the House of Pain and Purity
Captain of the Inner Guard of the New Leaf Academy
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