Vitalis, Meltith and the curses related.

Good day fellow adventurer's,

Over The winter i have been looking to Vitalis and helping find answers regarding the curses. I returned with a large dump of information. So I have compiled my notes on what i have so far. I will have physical copies for those that are interested in the information.

If this is a topic you are interested I would like to meet to discuss and decmeinate the info.

I would like to take a small party to where the Black arrow fell for Vitalis. Its up the mountain pass near Crag point. I am not expecting to find anything but I am curious. If folks come across Resonance rituals I would like to pick one up to cast at this location. Honestly casting more of these may be a bit helpful in our endevors and possible visions as well. But I know these may be hard to get ahold of.

See you all soon,
Guardian Kat of Old Hearth in Pradamar
Head of the Warriors Of Earth