Void/Puriel Shard info

If your character is currently in possession of a Void and/or Puriel shard the following information is very pertinent to you.

All PC possessed Void and Puriel shards will be need to be either carried In Game, or a detailed description of where they are and what kind of protection is being afforded to them will need to be supplied to Plot. If you have a Void/Puriel shard and are not going to be attending an event, you will either need to hand it off to someone to bring it into game or email Plot with a detailed description of where it/you are and what kind of protection you are being afforded. All Shards are bound to the Deadlands, they may not be taken to or hidden in another land.

Please note, NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN TO STEAL/DESTROY/ABSCOND WITH OR OTHERWISE EFFECT YOUR SHARDS IN BETWEEN EVENTS. This information is only directly related to actions that will take place during events.

Thank you for your cooperation,