Volenteers needed

Attention to all,

My name is Brollo. I am asking for volunteers to search out some ingredients for me. I need as much essence of hunter and ironwood as possible. I may be willing to pay for your help. It is vital that i get these materials for the upcoming battles we face. by helping me you surely help yourself. Also if anyone has information on alternative blacksmith procedures I surely need council with you this next market day. If you need to find me I should be near the brotherhoods camp or out and about with the merchant guild.
I'm a hunter, but you can't have my essence. What even is that?


As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, we can handle this within the Merchant Guild group.

Hello Sam, What a great day to have a change of heart. you are right the guild can handle it together. just use to being alone in my quests. I will reach to the guild from now on in private with further needs
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