volunteers needed for June event

Ok, I have been approached by a member of the Boy Scouts local leadership (a frind of mine from work). Apparently the scouts are having a Day Camp themed with a Medieval flare. They will be holding thier day camps on the Friday and Saturday that we are there (the other people using the camp that I talked about in other posts). They have been looking for Five people to come and do a combat for them. The premise is that the five are going to do a Sword Tournament and the crowd gathered will each cheer for one of them. The Fighting would consist of a Three-Touch tournament. This takes place between 8-9 pm on both Friday night and Saturday night. I was told that if we do this, they might be able to work out a price break on our camp rental (and it is good PR for the Traverse Chapter). My hope is to not interfer with game play (Fri night is during logisitics anyway). I have three combatants who have already volunteered and I need two more.

My friend also said that anyone who wanted to go down and watch the combat could do so (especially if they are in period Garb as it would add to the excitement of the fight for the Scouts).

I would reward all who wished to participate with a Goblin Stamp award and the winner of the tournament would receive a special prize.

Any one interested?

I'd be interested, although I'll be in my Turtle Garb which might be a bit much ^.^
Will this be a large chunk of the event? I'd be willing to help out if you can't get anyone else, but as this is my first time to your chapter, I'd like to be able to be there for most of it, though a small reprieve wouldn't be bad. =)


It sounds like it is only one hour on Friday and one hour on Saturday. So fairly small chunks of the event... although traditionally 8 pm on Saturday we are in a world of shizzzle.


I am willing to help out too, but know that I SUCK when it comes to combat, hence I am a pacifist healer.

OMG, I want to do that so bad.... I have to work Fri night until midnight so I wont be there until late. :(
Rob you can still do the Saturday night one!!!
Sounds like fun. Can't wait to get back into the swing of things...hehehe.
I will probably be there too late to help Friday night, but if you need me Saturday night I could. However, I will defer to the true fighter types if you have enough volenteers.

I'll bring my 7+ NPC army early, prolly 7pm, we'll suit up and give those scouts a good show!
im more then willing to fight

ill be there early as it is so why not do something while waiting
God bless Meeker and the NPC army!!!!

I love it when we are fully stacked!!!
I will be more than happy to do it on Saturday if there is room!
Justin is interested. Would he have to do both nights? I don't know if we'll make it by 8 on friday.
Oh my....Justin would ROCK!! at this three touch game.
He might not win depending on the rules....Yes i know its 3 touch but if u can wield multiple weapons or shield....it could be anybody's game. I will say 1 weapon vs 1 weapon he destroys people. He taught me a lesson at the gaming for a cure event lol. Anyways hope to see you all there!!!

my vote would be for any valid weapon combination