vulture looters (split off from the other topic)

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Onixtul said:
I think vulture looting is apart of the game, its going to happen if you like it or not. If the healers aren't getting anything for healing on a mod then thats thier problem, and here is somthing they can do, stop healing. I don't think, no matter who you are or what your characters morals maybe, people are going to get fed up with healing people and getting nothing out if it.

In reply to this, I'm going to say something here. Some healers *can't* quit healing. Not if they want to continue playing their characters. I've heard numerous threats against Diera, for example, if she stops healing people. I've *also* heard the same threats against her if she "dares to charge for healing"

Excuse the hell outta me, folks, but how is the Healers Guild supposed to make any money? We get absolutely *nothing* from the advernturers, and because of vulture looting, we again get absolutely nothing. Add to that the fact that *nobody* buys potions, and you see the picture. Nothing plus nothing guessed it...nothing.

So lets see here. We have healers who are sick of it, but can't stop, or they get killed. We have adventurers who are willing to kill the local appointed Guild Mistress if she dares to charge for services, bu if Kauss wants to sell armor, he can go right ahead (just an example). NEVERMIND the fact that the Healers Guild is FIRST AND FOREMOST A BUSINESS.

No business can run forever with no money. Think about this folks, the next time you need healing. If the guild has no resources to heal *with*, it looks like you're all in a spot, doesn't it?

Just something to think about, people, the next time "you" decide to make threats, or when "you" decide you don't want to pay for healing that costs *somebody* to perform/produce/affect.

Food for thought, folks. Don't make a game no fun for someone else.
MacGhille Eoine said:
In reply to this, I'm going to say something here. Some healers *can't* quit healing. Not if they want to continue playing their characters. I've heard numerous threats against Diera, for example, if she stops healing people. I've *also* heard the same threats against her if she "dares to charge for healing"

I would think that in some regard, healer's should *charge*. You don't charge your friends, but for instance Balryn doesn't heal without a few requirements-

A) You are his family
B) You are paying
C) You've proven you'll return the favor and he likes you (hard category)
D) You are his family

Balryn's a resourceful combatant, if he sees someone go down he gauges his healing ability in regard to the *personal* worth of the person needed it to him. For instance Iftikhaar took a KB this weekend and because Balryn respects Iftikhaar as a fellow combatant, he was tossing a life in a heartbeat. Same with Gregor and Mykell needing life spells. Now honestly, if someone threatened Balryn he'd die if he didn't heal them..... well, I can't say it would be recommended for good health.... respond to shallow threats. Honestly, isn't guildmistress a noble title? Don't threaten nobles....

Balryn heals most people through potions / alchemy. So to him, everything has a cost. His healing spells are saved for combat and are far more valuable in "crunch time".
If I recall correctly, a little over a year ago, Robert tried to solve the "hearers-aren't-getting-their-fair-pay" problem and got torn up one side and down the other (in-game). That didn't get very far, and I'm pretty sure he PO'd quite a few people for suggesting healers get paid a standard fee for their services.

I don't think detailed searches are unreasonable; it makes things more realistic (and fun) in my book. But I do think the NPC should be smart about it; they usually know who killed them and should extend to their killer the "quick search" option to save a little time. Some people may want to prolong the experience, others may not--in that instance they should have the choice.
That's not my point.

My point is, threats and bullying aren't any better than paying for services rendered, especially when it comes to healing. It *costs* to make postions, it costs to make alchemy, just the same as it costs to make armor or weapons.

To expect healing gratis is both ludicrous, and unfair. It's not right that one person gets killed for either not being able, or being unwilling, to heal someone else.

Think about it. Suppose you're a carpenter, and you've built a house. Now, somebody wants to move into that house, and they tell you "give me the house or I'll kill you"'re out of a house that just cost you a metric butt-ton of cash to build, not to mention time and effort. You can't afford to build a new one, and meanwhile, you don't have a place to live. Sucks ***, if you ask me.

Get my drift?
MacGhille Eoine said:
To expect healing gratis is both ludicrous, and unfair.

I do understand this point, very much... but in each chapter I have played in, for the most part, this is the expected norm... Healers are Healers because they are called to be, or need to be... That is not everyone's concept, but it is a big theme in High-Fantasy and has been very pervasive in the NERO world.

Once my Earth Guildmaster was robbed and he ordered that no Healer take any action to heal anyone, except guildmembers, until his properity was returned. This did not go well... Now of course, many of us broke his word, what with being forced into the guild to begin with w/ no loyality to him or the guild, so the smack down on the Healers was not too great, but I honestly think that if we had not healed anyone, nobody would protect us or in fact even turn on the us. Sadly, I don't see it as a workable solution. I don't know what is, other than to form alliances with characters you can trust... back in the day I didn't worry about this, I was taken care of and my loose xp (anyone remember those days?) was paid from our group's coffers.

This is, in my opinion a predominately IG problem, but it is starting to create issues OOG, and we as plot will address things to a point, but there won't be anything like rules violations for Vulture Looting.

Another complaint I've heard, is that if you kill someone for Vulture Looting, you can be charged with assult. Well with the influx of adventurers, maybe someone should campaign to amend or have laws put in place to address such things.
Jim said:
Another complaint I've heard, is that if you kill someone for Vulture Looting, you can be charged with assult. Well with the influx of adventurers, maybe someone should campaign to amend or have laws put in place to address such things.

I just might do that.
About the healer charging things. Go for it:).. Do keep in mind that some charicters do make sure some healers get loot, and so they do "pay" to some extent.
And I quite agree, tho I have been known to give out things for free, more often in an emergincy (some of you who have gotten 10 point armor on the fly know who you are:) ). But I mostly sell my wares, and even the "free" stuff I get payed back for more often than not. (aka that person will pay me later becouse they lived, or will tell the look spitter to give me their share, ect.)
One think to keep in mind tho, if the healers do start charging, they will need licences, or to be attatched to a guild that does. For the healers guild thats already handled, but for others just a heads up.

Added note, for the gladiator mods I will be having soon, healers are wanted and will be payed to be there. Someone will be payed to make sure people dont die (a share, not a set rate) and the people fighting will be expected to handle their own healing, so unless they have healing, they may need to buy it, and I will encurage the healers to charge. (Not to much I hope, but the details can be worked out. I dont want the fighters to not make any money from the prize, becouse of healing costs:).)

Lastly, if you do feel your not getting enuf loot, as a healer or otherwise, feel free to talk to me IG about it as well.
Polare Lissenstine said:
It *is* an IG problem.

I think I'd agree with Bryan on this one. There are many ways to prevent vulture-looting, but it really *must be done IG*. We can't just send our OOG mind-control-rays into the game and make everyone?s character stop doing things that they normally do.

I was on a mod recently in which all members had to sign a contract which legally forced them to split the loot. Though this seems a bit strict, preparing for vulture-looting in advance certainly helps to prevent it.

Also, several characters (especially newbies) don't know the IG policy for looting kills. They think that NERO is just like playing the video games; whoever picks up the gold gets to keep it, end of story.

Basically, if your character is concerned about getting loot, they would probably talk to people IG about it.
Is it a problem? Yes quite clearly so. A few people have touched upon solutions that I totally agree with. Now, Solomon never stops in a fight to search the corpse, he's too busy looking for his next vic...err opponent. Many times I go lacking on loot, but mostly people notice the fact that I'm not sticking my hand out and say "Hey Solomon, don't forget your share!" Unfortunately, I'm incurring more expenses so ya know what I did? I hired someone of low fighting ability and limited experience (newbie) to follow me through battle and loot my kills, as well as carry some potions if i need em and spot for ambushers while I'm whooping up on bad guys? Know what? it's fun that way! Gives newbies something helpful to do in large combats and makes for cool RP. Who knew?! Besides, if you suspect someone of it, don't invite em along on mods. I know "town mods" are impossible to do that with.
I also am a huge fan of the idea of more paying contracts going out as hooks for mods. Makes the whole problem academic, or at least makes it so that you can negotiate to cover that cost of your potions and whatnot and anything found then is gravy, and I know a lot of people are mostly worrying about covering that potion quota.
As for healers, that all kinda comes down to asking why you made a healer in the first place? Did you set out to get rich by healing burly fighters while they tomb raided? Did you sense a path to follow and just did it for the sake of it? Did you go seeking political power through powerful guild affiliation? Not all of these lead to great looting scenarios, and maybe if you are fed up with it IG it's time for a career path change? Or it's time to decide to make a new character, or even just dive back into the role you made for yourself and resign yourself to the fact that you wont have as much gold as the dwarven merchants or the gypsie rogues.

2 cents poorer to make your lives richer
I bet not a person remembers what Diera said her profession was when she first showed up... Ah character development.

But, you know why there aren't a lot of high powered earth scholars around to cast earth rituals for people? Well, a lack of money can mean a lack of protection... And a lack of thanks makes it an unappealing character design to all but the most masochistic of RPers... (they either died or didn't ever bother).

Money makes the world go round... unless people vulture loot it and hoard it.
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
As for healers, that all kinda comes down to asking why you made a healer in the first place? Did you set out to get rich by healing burly fighters while they tomb raided? Did you sense a path to follow and just did it for the sake of it? Did you go seeking political power through powerful guild affiliation? Not all of these lead to great looting scenarios, and maybe if you are fed up with it IG it's time for a career path change? Or it's time to decide to make a new character, or even just dive back into the role you made for yourself and resign yourself to the fact that you wont have as much gold as the dwarven merchants or the gypsie rogues.

All well and good, but it makes one ask;

What of the fighter who's allied himself with the Healers, knowing that the healers don't get *squat*? Is that also his fault? Should he simply resign himself to never being as burly as the other adventureres, simple because he believes in a cause? Or should he abandon that cause (and the entire character concept) and go mercenary? What about the healer who actually *isnt* affiliated with the guild, but still gets threats and/or bullied into healing those who don't really deserve it (because of the threats, vulture looting, etc)?

Is it *really* the fault of the player for their character? Is the player honestly responsible OOG for IG happenings?

What I'm asking is this:

Should a player have to suffer a game wherein he or she may have zero fun because of a character choice? Or should he/she just take it in the shorts when they get stiffed for loot? Or worse...get looted by other PC's, when they've been killed?

Just some food for thought...
Er... I think the best solution is that if you find volture looting a problem you should avoid letting those you know who vulture loot come with you. As far as the healer goes, it would just be common curtesy to give 'em a silver or 2 for their troubles (in my opinion) and if I wasn't dirt broke I would... but somebody keep looting my cash so... :(
In defense of NERO

MacGhille Eoine said:
In reply to this, I'm going to say something here. Some healers *can't* quit healing. Not if they want to continue playing their characters. I've heard numerous threats against Diera, for example, if she stops healing people. I've *also* heard the same threats against her if she "dares to charge for healing"

Excuse the hell outta me, folks, but how is the Healers Guild supposed to make any money? We get absolutely *nothing* from the advernturers, and because of vulture looting, we again get absolutely nothing. Add to that the fact that *nobody* buys potions, and you see the picture. Nothing plus nothing guessed it...nothing.

So lets see here. We have healers who are sick of it, but can't stop, or they get killed. We have adventurers who are willing to kill the local appointed Guild Mistress if she dares to charge for services, bu if Kauss wants to sell armor, he can go right ahead (just an example). NEVERMIND the fact that the Healers Guild is FIRST AND FOREMOST A BUSINESS.

No business can run forever with no money. Think about this folks, the next time you need healing. If the guild has no resources to heal *with*, it looks like you're all in a spot, doesn't it?

Just something to think about, people, the next time "you" decide to make threats, or when "you" decide you don't want to pay for healing that costs *somebody* to perform/produce/affect.

Food for thought, folks. Don't make a game no fun for someone else.

This specifically, is an In Game problem.
I realise the difficulty of people expecting you to heal them but that's heavily based on the position you place your character in. I've had to threaten Robert's life in order to get him to life someone and almost no one in the game would dare ask him for healing. If you're playing a "healer" who is concerned with the general welfare of people you will miss out on loot. If you're playing an earth caster with an interest in loot (ie Hawkestral, Mykel, Elryon, Masticon, Gregor) people will treat you differently.
Over the course of an event no one ever comes to Masticon and asks for healing. He'll heal those who absolutly require it and people expect no more of him. But that has been developed in game as a part of his character. People will always threaten you to try to make you do something but almost all the time they will fail to back it up. If you give in to every death threat you'd probably never be able to leave your cabin. Healer's don't get money because they're busy healing, Fighters don't get money because they're busy fighting, looters get money because they're busy looting.

To add another point to this, In modern day society if I was to loot a dead body, I would simply flip them over and search their back pocket, maybe the front two as well. I'd take their wallet and go. Maybe I'd try to pocket their gun if it seemed worth it to me. In most cases looting would consist of cutting someone's money pouch and slipping it into your bag. Those who do it with style will get away with it and those that are clumsy won't. The main point is that so long as every magic item is propperly physrepped then it is propperly easy to steal and hide. No one could hide the Spider Egg Sacks at the last Oregon event, but the mushrooms could easily be palmed. Components are propperly physrepped and are as easy to hide as a tongue depressor.
Vulture looting is absolutly an Ingame problem. It may be causing out of game strife but look at it from a low level character's perspective. There's nothing for them to fight because everything that's scaled for them is gunched by the highbies before they even know what it is. Everything else will usually turn them into a grease spot before they even know what it was. What is there for a newbie to do but loot, loot, loot. There is ingame ramifications for this but players are absolutly entitled to take such actions. If you don't get loot and want it, loot more bodies. Those that stop in the middle of combat to loot will get more loot. Unless they're discouraged to do this by other PCs they will never (and should never) stop.

Additionally when loot get's split it does not get split according to "anti-vulture looting" rules. It generally gets split evenly. As one of the more powerful fighters in the game I would say I am far more likely to kill more foes and therefore are more entitled to the loot. Another person may spend a considerable ammount of money on alchemy or scrolls and therefore are more entitled to the loot. Someone may have looted more and therefore are more entitled to the loot. So far the only one that has any real claim on the money at the end of the day is the one who's willing to fight for it. IG fights over who get's what loot is a GIANT part of RP at NERO. I've seen Characters fight near to the death over who gets two silver from a goblin. If you don't like someone taking your loot, rogue them. Remember that almost no matter what you're going to get screwed out of some of the loot that is justifiably yours. This is how the game works. If you don't like it, take it back. If you can't take it back... you need to get stronger so you can, or find people to back you up to take out the person that vulture looted from you. I assure you that if you go to Kriger, Soloman, Masticon, Slice, Daylyn, Derek, Kauss or any of the "powerful" characters and kindly asked for their assistance in dealing with a vulture looter they'd be glad to help you lay some smack down on a deserving ninja looter.

But in the end there really isn't much for plot/staff to do to remove this concept from the game. If you don't stop and loot each and every one of your kills, I assure you, someone else will. You either need to take responsability for the loot you're "entitled" to or start accepting that if you leave your kills unlooted to save other people, when you come back a less moral character will have looted them.

Vulture looting is a problem. Healers not getting loot is a problem. But so long as plot puts out loot ingame, it is an ingame problem. Even with laws, punishments, threats, possible obliterations, so long as a character can get away with loot unnoticed, vulture looting will continue.

Let's look at it another way. In basketball, when you start the game, each team sends a player (usually the tallest or best jumper) in to compete for the ball. Team Blue's player actually waaay outjumps Team Red's player and swats the ball away, but one of Team Red's players fields it afterwards. Now, that player that just tipped the ball to the opposing team has two options: he can now play the game and do his best to get the next ball, or even try to steal the ball away from the Red player who snagged it (which is perfectly within the rules of basketball) or he could go to the ref and whine that since he tipped it his team should have gotten the ball.
Who do you think is gonna get the sneaker deal in the end?

Dante said:
Yes, it is a bit of a problem, but money isnt vitally important to ones NERO experience, and each tupe of class has their way of getting coin, through either fighting or through vending.

I have to agree with Sarah...Money is a big thing in nero. You need it to buy weapons potions ink for spell books ect. ect. There are so many things people in the nero world need to buy. So don't just go thinking money is not a big thing because it IS.
Aeris said:
I have to agree with Sarah...Money is a big thing in nero. You need it to buy weapons potions ink for spell books ect. ect. There are so many things people in the nero world need to buy. So don't just go thinking money is not a big thing because it IS.

Represent, girl.
But everyone can see the ball. Everyone knows what the "prize" is. Often with vulture looting, people never see it. They never know it exists... which results in complaints to plot that they didn't put out enough treasure. And then plot is left somewhat baffled.

I'd say that, when a majority of your plot responses come in saying "Where's the loot?" it's time to look in to the situation and see what can be done to balance out the distribution some.

But, you know, that'd be logical.
Raygren said:
As far as the healer goes, it would just be common curtesy to give 'em a silver or 2 for their troubles

I would like to say as a Healer myself deserve alot more than two silvers. We go into battle and give people protective spells and we even use up our potions which may I add cost alot of money. We deserve more than one or two silvers. Healers should be respected and thanked after evry battle. I dislike it when I heal someone and they don't say thank you.

Also as in troubles the only troubles healers have are not getting enough respect. thats what I have to say. I do not know about any of the other healers.
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