Warchester Incursion

Jesse Grabowski

Warchester Incursion
by Robert Penrose
Military Support Services
When the whispering wind arrived from Her Grace, everyone was awakened and quickly mobilized. Warchester had been invaded by the same humanoid races we thought had been defeated and expelled from Acarthia last summer. Dame Ishani Tiberion didn't hesitate. Having a strong military background, her troops were constantly at the ready for wherever they might be needed. By high sun the next day we were all on the move.
The march took only a short time on the scale of military movement. We arrived at Battleaxe Keep in less than a week. A southern line was quickly established. Resurrections were already commencing in the healer's circle there. As fast as soldiers rose from the circle they were clothed and given arms. Each was debriefed before they joined the ranks of the Ducal forces gathered at the Keep. Neither the Baron nor his immediate Knights and Squires resurrected.
From the accounts of those present we have been able to piece together the events behind the fall of Baron Oakoath and his loyal group. Word reached the Baron of large numbers of humanoids attacking the estate of Wildwood. Knowing quick action was needed, the Baron gathered all available and answered the call to duty. When he arrived in Wildwood, he found not just random humanoids, but an organized force tramping through into the Barony. The Baron had a very difficult decision to make. If he retreated to establish a line, the opposing forces would take the Wildwood and innocent lives would be lost to the humanoids. If he fought with his group they were certain to lose and at best would delay the enemy for only a short time. He created a third option.
On the Baron's orders he split his troops. Many would go with him to face the enemy. They would engage the army and make a stand as long as they were able. The rest of his men were dispatched to Rebel Rock, Oakwood, Tejefed and Wallington. There were Ducal forces in Tejefed and Wallington, a Baronial contingent in Oakwood, and some of the fiercest fighters in Rebel Rock. The Baron was counting on the forces stationed in these estates to hold the enemy at bay until reinforcements could arrive. He sent new recruit, Guardsman Daniel to warn the Duchess in Zumar's Rest. The split in force virtually assured defeat for Baron Oakoath but it saved countless lives as nearly every village and town in Wildwood was warned in time to get innocents to safety.
At Battleaxe Keep, Baronial forces from Tiatar, led by Sir Duer Osborne, joined the Ducal forces led by Dame Ishani Tiberion and the march south began. The enemy did not seem organized and skirmishes were brief and mostly bloodless. The humanoids ran south away from the joint Ducal and Baronial army. Their retreat, however, proved to be a regroup and at the town of Wildwood, the army truly met their enemy. The humanoids outnumbered the Acarthian forces and whoever was leading them knew better than to give up the advantage of remaining in and around the town.
Without hesitation, Dame Tiberion established a strategic point of strength that was stocked with extra weapons and armor. Dame Tiberion's Support Service crew were as critical to her victories as were her fighters. Our first task was always arrows. But once the troops engaged the enemy hand to hand, arrows were too risky and we switched to picking up fighters with potions when we could. Our other duty was to retrieve any weapons and armor we could and get them back to that strategic point. Even with these preparations, and the high morale instilled by having both a Tiberion and Sir Osborne in the lead, the drums of the enemy were daunting, casting doubt as to the outcome.
We were to attack at first light the next day. That night rumor circulated that Sir Theo Samir, one of the most enigmatic figures in the Ducal court, had arrived with news that Sir Alaric Manco, the Ducal Paladin presiding over Tejefed, had arrived from the east, and remained a distance away to ensure he didn't give away his position to the humanoids. He had established a scouting boundary but it wouldn't be long before the humanoids figured out something was keeping their patrols from returning. Sir Samir also brought news that the fighters of Rebel Rock were ready to push northward and were only waiting for a sign or command.
At first light we marched on the enemy. We were the vanguard, the front line, the initial attack... and distraction. The humanoids beat their drums and roared their defiance, a thundering cacophony to shadow our orders with an edge of fear. But Dame Tiberion and Sir Osborne were unwavering and their determination erased any doubt. The initial onslaught was a terrible sight to behold. The winter snow was soon colored crimson.
Just when we felt the enemy might overwhelm even the most stout of heart, Sir Manco swept in with his forces. From within the estate of Wildwood, many High Ogres, High Orcs, Sarr, and Wild Men also joined the fray, swinging their gladiatorial weapons wildly this way and that. Together, they caught the enemy in a wedge. The battle became more desperate for all involved. There was an unearthly sound of metal clashing, grunting, swishes of slick snow, and cries of pain and terror as both Acarthian and humanoid fell.
Then from the south I saw small groups of riders and fighters swell into the battle. Their actions seemed directed at the most critical areas of the fight. Their leader would stop just after swinging his blade and shout orders to another group of his men and direct them to another trouble spot. They continued in this fashion keeping the enemy from organizing any regroup or retreat.
During my support duties I fed potions, gathered weapons and armor and took them to the point where they could be relayed to those in need. It was while I was turning back toward the battle that I saw them. There were three of them, just on a small hill, barely out of the reach of battle, two Ducal Knights flanked a ritual circle in which sat a figure clad in leather. I caught a flash of light off the caster's headband as she looked up to bend magic to her will. My distraction was my downfall. I never saw the club that knocked me out.
When I came to, I was looking up at the face of a dryad. He assured me I would be alright then moved quickly and stealthily on to another fallen soldier. I later learned his name was Panax. I took myself to safety for a moment to drink a healing potion before getting back to my duties. I saw then the colors of Rivervale in the battle, making effective work of any of the humanoids that had broken through the front lines.
High sun came and went. It was well into the western sky when the last of the humanoids either went down or retreated into the Howling Woods. They had fought to the last, even when their leader had fallen. Unusual for humanoids, but not unexpected when I saw that the enemy was nearly surrounded by Acarthian forces.
There were no shouts at the end of the battle, no resounding cry of triumph. War isn't really like that except in songs that bards write. It simply ended, with a quiet thud as the last humanoid fell. The wounded called out for assistance, comrades called for one another, hoping each other had survived. The permanently dead were gathered.
Food and fires salved the loss of life and brought to light the victory. The estate town of Wildwood had been reclaimed and the next day would see the strengthening of the estate border. Over the next several days everyone searched for Baron Magni Oakoath and his men. Neither they, nor their bodies were found.
Sir Manco took charge of Wildwood, the authority coming from a letter received from Duchess Tiberion the night the battle ended. Dame Tiberion remained in Wildwood only two days, long enough to ensure her forces were fit for travel. Then we left to head back to Battleaxe Keep.
Funny, how on the return trip my feet felt lighter, the victory was finally catching up with me and I felt the rush of having successfully defended my country and the people in it against a scourge of humanoids bent on destruction. Let the drums beat and the bards write what they may.