Warlords Crusade @ HQ THIS WEEKEND!

yeah, my focus down at logisitics is getting everyone in and out as quickly as possible. plus we changed things up recently and now we take up more tables than we used to. i personally wish more people would hawk thier wares IG even for OOG money. seeing tables, rooms, or cabins set up by merchants more often would be fantastic. hint hint monster camp ;)
I don't see why Todd couldn't set up in an IG area and sell his stuff, just keep the U.S. cash part on the down low so it doesn't interfere with the IGness of it all. Or do the transactions in his private room. Thought having it at logistics gives people something to look at while standing in line, and everyone goes through logistics, so that's good too. Todd is an entrepreuner, he'll figure it out.

He did it at the one event where he brought his stuff into the tavern. people pretty much gathered around him and oo'd and aww'd. so it worked well.

I personally don't want any lines at logistics. I don't want people standing around at all. drop off a list, come back and get it. lines are a waste of time when you could be getting dressed, helping set up for the game, etc. etc.
If people dont mind me selling IG, that is cool. It's really not part of Ithica's Motief' so thats why i was saying "My concubines and Mistress's Wares" lol.

This event i have a private room, so I can do it in there no problem. Maybe a Sign in Logistics "Warlords Crusade Leather Armory is HERE!, see Toddy/Ithica for Armor/wares"

Appreciate the staff and owners of Alliance and Faire Play for allowing me to set up my Wares.


P.S. I need an "IN" to get into Pennsik SCA event so i can set up a both. We bought a 18x12 In period Panther Tent. Anyone know a good contact at the SCA event?