Warlords Crusade Leather Armory @ HQ!


Whats up , with the blessing from HQ and FP. I will be bringing some stock and goods to have for sale this up coming event. ALSO believe it or not I bought, designed and manage my own website (godaddy makes it easy)

Check it out, plenty of time to get custom orders in. I should have all my belts up by Thursday, and the Greeves in the near future.

www.warlordscrusade.com or www.thewarlordscrusadeleatherarmory.com

I did like a lot of the stuff i saw, ill probably be buying some stuff from you soon as i finish paying off the rest of the stuff i bought for this past event. i need a something decent to carry my sword in. XD
Sparticous said:
You've got some really good looking stuff bro!

Hes not talking about the armor ;)

This weekend I saw you wearing something on your back that had a 3-point clasp in the front. Was that a baldric or a quiver? And could you make me a quiver with a clasp like that?