
Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
Good people,

We have received reports of Rageland Barbarians attacking the kingdom and they appear to be heading this way riding some sort of flying lizard. The dark Griffins appear to be leaving them alone. Please use caution in all your travels and prepare yourselves for their arrival. We will be doing all we can to prepare the city and to keep you all safe.

Baron Garoth,

Return home and once again ready your lands. We may have need of them again.

Squire Idris,

Gather all the other nobles and see me the moment you arrive in town!

Duchess Barclay
As you command.

Squire Idris.
Oh please please please let it be dragonkin :D!


As one of the aforementioned nobles, I refuse to be "gathered" unless you have beef jerky for me; if you don't, expect your task to be much harder than you initially imagined. Also, you must respond to this post in the same fashion as you did for Barclay's.

Tempestnar Ordobeard
Rune Ash
As it is my duty to gather everyone Ashnar,

you can count on some beef jerky. Your presence will surely

command much attention during the meeting. Hopefully it will be productive.

-Squire Idris
Sir Ashnar,

Very glad to hear that you will be in attendance at this meeting. There is much not to discuss as I am sure Squire Idris can explain. I expect you to listen carefully for I need your skills and you must understand me completely!

Squire Idris,

I hope you remember our last conversation and can fill Sir Ashnar in on the important details. Perhaps we can take some time to play a game when we meet or, better yet, trade ghost stories around the fire.

Duchess Barclay
Duchess, you're a woman; I will never understand you completely. I'm sure Idris can explain what I need to know, though. He's good at translating Woman-to-Ashnar. I assume it's from all of that practice explaining to me what Tad'Ron is saying.

Ashnardo Runestus
Barclay's Baby-Killer