Washington Rennaissance-Fantasy Faire



What say we storm them with NERO players?

I will be there on Sunday the 22nd with my waycool mom from Arizona. The 22nd is the LAST day of the faire, so be sure to check out the website for the proper dates and such.

Contact your local page?
Terran I thought you were no longer a page, maybe its time to change that.

Faire sounds fun I will see what I can do to go, the chair puts up some struggles now and again.
oooh...I should be back from the blistering hot north by then. ll be there if a ride and other such support can be accumulated
Sounds awesome don't know if I can go though...

Hawke and Cedric, the Bedlam Bards, play aggressively loud, sweaty, foot-stomping music on guitar, fiddle, mandola, bones, bodhran, strumstick, and kazoo. Catch their bawdy song show if you?d like to laugh your bottom off, and hear their sit-down set for sweet, moving ballads

These guys are fairly good. (Get it? Fairly? HAHAHA, er.... ahem...) Cymryc and I have memorized some of their off color stuff, and we usually use the "Donald, Where's Your Trousers?" piece to the end of "The Scotsman", as they do.

I just wish we could get some of my big favorites up here, most notably The Minstrels of Mayhem (ahem) and To The Hilt, some of the original inspirations for Gregor. (And any fan of Katya cannot resist The Naughty Nymphs).