Watch these videos!

here are some videos from the new hampshire opener enjoy!




i apologize for the darkness ><

I wholeheartedly endorse arming the badguys with boulders, hand held trebuchets, and anything else that calls thirty massive.
And I realize yet again, that while this is a great game to play, you look and sound like a tool playing it. And I shall continue to look and sound like a tool, because its just that much fun.
That hit me too, about five minutes in. But I figure if you can deal with waking up every day and being a silly, upright walking, naked, clawless, almost toothless ape, you can handle pretty much any amount of ridiculousness you care to.

Seriously, though, that boulder. The power! The majesty! The one shot kill potential!
The sounds it made and it being off camera just made it even more funny. "Activate I call upon the earth to cure wounds", "30 massive", *twack* *thud*
I make good being hit by rock sounds. "HWWWUGH!"
Totaly and im sorry that I was laughing so hard.
The first time the boudler was thrown and hits people off-screen, there's a huge thud heard. It's timed perfectly so it sounds like it's the people being hit by the boulder, but it's actually the tavern door slamming. It took me about 15 views to realize it wasn't the boulder.
The nonchalant gutting of goblins is something I just cannot endorse. :lol:
In Ye Olde English 'Hero' was actually a term meaning 'violent sociopath'