Wayside Lives


As I travel the bulwarks and see the vast piles of destroyed undead, and help tend to the injured still in need of healing I cannot help but take stock of recent events. The Vampire's War has taken much from all of us, his minions causing countless deaths and ressurections through out the last few years. It is hard to find a man, woman, and heartbreakingly even a child that has been untouched by his machinations, indeed many innocents have slept poorly knowing that their monster does not reside in the closet, but instead walked amoung us taking those he could. Now that he has fallen we stop, and perhaps for the first time take stock of all he has stolen from us. Despite this I cannot help but have hope for the future, for the lives of our love ones, and the tears of pain and anguish of those they leave behind, have purchased us a legacy, and that is that Wayside lives.

The Romani amongst us should stand proud, full citizens having proved themselves when they did not need to throughout the war. The source of the undead has been revealed, and far from gypsys bringing undead it can now be seen they were principle in defeating them. These colorful and storied peopled stood in view of all that cared to watch, and set aside their colors and bared their hearts and sorrow openly as they cast out the Vampire as marheim. Despite his acts, I know they still ache as the act is that of casting out a brother from their family, the pain of such an act should not be casually dismissed or set aside. But they cast him out, and stripped him of much power in doing so, tracking him throughout that final night and revealing him throughout the night so he could be hunted and slain. The Romani came to us in friendship and fellowship, and stayed despite the fear, hatred, and cruel acts against them, through it all seeking the cause of the lands grief and asking for nothing besides the chance to live amoung us in peace. Through their stalwart sacrifice, pain, and honored acts Wayside lives.

Not everyone that worked for an end to this war could be here to celebrate its end, forgive me if I misthink any of the names below, my lists and research are hard to see through the tears the well up when I think of their noble sacrifices and actions. Adventures, landsmen, regents, and so many others have given their last, and no one man, no matter how studied could hope to know them all, if you have a loved one not on this list that was lost, be assured we grieve for them as we do for all the others and feel free to raise their names up so they might be known. Master Horatio, Togashin Zanabanath, Cerria, Jara, Lurin Tuhin, Runir, Regent Cole, Kevar Bryne, Effram Rockfist, and Stoneskull Rockfist all gave their last breath throughout this war, wether they realized they were fighting it or not. They came from many backgrounds and races, but were tied together by a single bloody thread that they each weakened in their own way before their final breath, because of their sacrifice and actions until the bitter end of life, Wayside lives.

There are others that have broughten themselves as close to death as any of the above, in some cases countless time and still stand amoung us. Jocelyn Rassh, who was the first to see the need of additional heroes in Wayside and suffered an obliteration of his own spirit to open the lands to travelers and adventurers in need of a home. He still walks amoung us today, in service of our new king, to encourage and give words of wisdom. I have met him myself on many occasions, as I began my practice of the law he was there to inspire us to keep the greater good in mind throughout our work, in the final preparation to slay the vampire he was there with words of wisdom and encouragement. Eldandiril Zabanath who has seen friends, family, and her own brother fall in this war, and despite it all stood in front of the Vampire not more then two months ago and suffered his wrath to protect others. She has fought tirelessly and often without recognition or reward for her actions and bears the spiritual scars of both resurrection and deep loss to prove it. Our own Regent, the lady Fallingstar has similarly suffered great damage to her spirit, boldly using the Vampire's personal hatred and desire to slay her to protect the plots and efforts to destroy him. Her spirit absorbed the wrath that might have shattered the gathering efforts to slay the vampire, and while her deaths may not have been flamboyant, they are no less painful or worthy. Through the bold sacrifice and personal risk of final death of these brave people Wayside lives.

There were of course countless others that have worked tirelessly to end the war with the vampire, I will no longer honor his name by using it and urge you all to do the same. Let us forget his name to the sands of time, while remembering the war and those who worked so long and tirelessly to end it. What else do we do now that the war is over? We rebuild, we teach our children to cherish the hope that such sacrifice has yielded and work to banish their fears of a now nameless vampire who no longer stalks amoung us seeking those he might devour. We honor the past, but look ahead to the future which seems brighter then ever, we serve our new king, Lord Greggor Eisenhorn as best we can as he works to restore order and ensure a bright future for all of us. Challenges still abound, the death of the vampire does not solve all problems, may we stay vigilant, and cherrish the bright times in life for the storm clouds of the Vampire's War have cleared and the sky, at least to me seems bright. Remember, rejoice and rebuild, because it is time Wayside, live.

-Enan Bluewater, Witness to the End of the Vampire's War, and the Birth of a Greater Wayside.
What happens now, ya t'ink? Go back to before-times, like dhey were and live happy. Nye need us to fight anymore?
The 'adventurers' were put in charge of voting for the new king, cousin, an Buckland has gone into full rebellion over it. An uglier war is brewing. At least the undead can be destroyed without pangs of conscience.

Oh...well dhen...I am glad to be taking vacation now.

Could you perhaps tell me whole story if you know it? I had many troubles to deal wit' here and could nye attend dhe las' market day. I am surprised dhat so much happened.

Fortune Find You mi brother,

~Marcena of Clan Dagon
So has Targus finally been permanently slain? I almost miss the thrill of a truly deadly enemy. But in truth if that is so I am glad to hear it, the land would be well rid of him.

- Mage Eldarion Avari

I cannot give you a full accounting, as for myself and my unit, we left near dawn of the second day as word came of a road washed out by the storms and travelers in need of help. Hopefully one who was present for Targus' famm could enlighten us both!
