Weapon questions and the rule book...


I don't currently own the rule book. Will there be extra ones at the event to purchase?

Also I need to make myself some weapons and I was wondering if someone would post the stats here for them (IE max min lenght, blade, handle, over all, favorite color... whatever works)
I need a spear, a dagger, a short sword, a long sword, and a long club.
Also would anyone know where the best place to pick up a fat roll of colored duct tape would be? Rather than these tiny rolls of nothing I keep finding :P

Unfortunately, we can't repost parts of the rulebook online.

Go to Jo-ann fabrics for tape. Dead serious.

Walmart sells fat skinny and normal rolls of duct tape, there is also a new (relatively) kind of 3m weather resistant duct tape. Expensive, but you can leave the resulting boffers exposed to the elements much much longer. you can also order a metric eff-ton from harbor freight at, you guessed it,


"I need a spear, a dagger, a short sword, a long sword, and a long club."

I can help you make weapons at the event, if you bring materials. (weaponmaking supplies get left back in California)

In Service,
If in portland Go to Andy an Bax. 4 inch wide rolls of duct tape.
Most excelent, thank you much for the info. Also is there a decent place in Seattle that does make up? I need very little but would like to get the quality stuff rather than the cream.