Weapon Rep Measurements

Does anyone have a copy of the page listing the weapon rep measurements that they can send me?

In the alternative, if someone can give me the measurement ranges for one handed axes and hammers I would appreciate it.


-Joe W.
well, you could have just pm'd him the list...
Then I'd have to type it out so that it's legible in a post. Without tables as an option, nothing doing.
I'd scan it and send it as a picture, or even send a excel file I have of the chart, but IIRC PMs can't handle that.
Plus, that doesn't address the hidden issue of "You need to have a rulebook on hand to build weapons, since the measurements don't cover even a third of the construction requirements."
Just saying, there are ways to get things done. Even scanning it in and using a photobucket.com link to a download would have worked, or hey, being a little nicer and just asking flat out for his email address.
True, but you could have done it as well instead of spending the time criticizing other's attempts at assistance, snarky though they may be.

Just saying is all.
I can appreciate a healthy dose of snarkiness. I'll PM you my email addy, Matt.

And as for the other construction requirements, I am good to go. I just need the measurements.


-Joe W.

He signed his post with Smartass, so you really shouldn't be complaining about it at all.

People need to remember that the internets is funny.
If you'd like I can give you a grain of salt...
Justin's got salt to spare you can take him up on it. You'd be doing us all a favor. :D
If you are oozy enough we can even shrink you down like a slug...

That'd be cool.

And just you wait Mister Paul "Hotshot Cause I Own a Chapter" Foisy.

I'll have salt for you too.
You get your LOL face on whether it is waranted or not... ;)