Weekend event March 19, 20, 21


Oregon's next weekend event is at Brooks Memorial ELC.

Pre-reg will open Feb 26th and close Mar 12th.

Event fee will be

PC: $65.00 at the door, $50.00 if you pre-reg
Advance page: $40.00 at the door, $30.00 if you pre-rg
Page: $30.00 at the door, $20.00 if you pre-reg
NPC Free

We got this event date changed to the next weekend, March 19th, 20th, 21st due to numerous conflicts including Finals and a Mortal Tears/Shadow Accord game. I hope this doesn't cause any problems for people.

Event title: The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Daddy Long Legs
Event Location: Stillrun
Description: Someone really pissed the driders off.
Alavatar said:
I'm planning on being there. :)

Hooray! Glad you can make it! I'm definitely going! (I'm full of exclamation points today!)
I am hoping to make it! But ... I had already gotten my parents to schedule the old weekend and they can't shift (so no parent watching the kid for me anymore, which may impact my ability to attend).
I cannot make it I must work!
Well, I couldn't make the Feb event in Seattle due to finances (grr, washer/dryer/new homeowner finances), but I'd like to try and make it to you guys in March.
Hmm looking at the schedule I might be able to make the last half of it depending on when I get home. I will show up and NPC if I can.
I sure hope to make it out, it would be awesome to see you folks again.

And... isn't this the place we had the vampire mining camp? If so, I really like the site, it was very pretty, and had some interesting areas to fight in.
it is that site exactly ^_^ well, OOG it's the same site. very different location IG. it'd be great to see you about again! it'd be awesome if you could come too jeremy, even if only for some of it. we miss having you around!

How do I pre-register? I plan on being there as NPC, it is possible that something will come up though.

and BTW,
"Hayley said hi."
For npcing, you should send a pm to cymryc saying that you plan on coming. while of course we welcome npcs showing up unannounced, we like to know as far in advance as possible so we can plan how to use our npcs better and so we can plan for food, which we provide for npcs. we also totally understand things coming up and you not being able to show even if you've sent something to cymryc; the sooner you can let us know you're not coming the better. that way we won't spend the event wondering if you're lost somewhere in the woods trying to find us, if you don't show up. ^_^
I don't know if I will be able to make this one. Several things are still up in the air.
Edit: Not making it now. Home chapter scheduled the same weekend. but will try for the 3 day event.

I plan on playing and hoping to bring a couple more from SF up there.
I plan on attending as an NPC, I met some of you at my first event in November (Seattle), I'm looking forward to the March event.
I'm bummed! I was supposed to be in Colorado the week before, which would have made it an easy hop over... but that meeting was moved to NYC, so no go. Still gonna try to get out to the WC this season to meet some of you folks in person!