Weekend Thanks and Faves!

A bit delayed this time out but I wanted to thank all the NPCs who came out, especially the new folks, who really busted their hump as whatever you guys played. To the players a big hand as always for game, and of course thanks to plot for setting this all up.

Some Favs:

The Trap Room
The RP with farmer Happen (as both iterations of that character).
Being able to create a mod through IG means.
All the racial tensions building (nod to the Dark Elves and Barbarians for good racial RP)
The recovery mod with the spiders.
"You wanted me to win this for you?"
Almost the PCs agreeing to the Gaden 5 touch tourney in lieu of martial combat.
Terminating Ivan from the front.
Hrm, beat me too it, heres the stats for those wondering!

Players - 28 total - 18 Pcs 10 NPCs (Technically Hengin was both, but he's counted under Npcs, cause thats how he preregged)

APL - 7.6 (Almost a whole level above last event! gasp!)

Races Breakdown

Barbarian 2 (3 with Hengin)
Biata 1
Dark_Elf 4
Dryad 1
Dwarf 2
Elf 1
Gypsy 2
Hobling 1
Human 2
Mystic_Wood_Elf 2

Class Breakdown
Fighter 7
Rogue 3
Scholar 7(8 with Hengin)
Templar 1

We had no deaths this event! Not sure what happened but players worked great together and the tourney was a bit less threatening then usual.

My Favorites in no paticualar order.

Survival challenge - it was mean nasty, and in general great fun.
Gaden Style dueling taking over a more traditional battle.
Barbarian and Dark elf madness, never was there a more dangerous combination!
More new players, I love seeing bright shining faces.
Walking by 30 cub scouts heading into camp in full npc makeup and garb, if only it had been at night!
Early Evening Trolls, mwa ha ha.
Guest cooking by Jamina, hope she didn't leave Mc'Gregors tavern in a mess!
and oh so many more.
wow that's a lot of Dark Elves... I so wish Eldarion could come back sooner than 2012... :?

Ah well, I can't wait to play the closer, and I have a whole new character coming down the pipeline that should be a lot of fun! :)
It was great to finally get to a SoMN event!
I had fun and hope I can get back sometime soon.

A few highlights for me were:

Gaden Style Dueling replacing regular one on one combat by in game request.
Staying up late with Hengin & Ivan
Milosh juggling
The Dryad and the Gypsy discussing long names
Dryad-picked forest strawberries
Finally seeing Amanda’s full Aztec regalia
Fern: “I’m going to give you this as your share of the treasure and you’re going to go sell it to her for 8 silver and she is going to go sell it to those Briarpassians for 10 silver…”
My favs:

The trap room...great fun, wish it had lasted longer
The spider recovery mod aka the farmer's wife mod.
Getting in on the take for awesome brownies 8-)
"I'll give you a silver if you fall down now." Look of incomprehension. :? "Fall down now! Fall down!...I'll give you a gold..." (I'm pretty sure I got taken there. That'll show me for making a bet.) :roll:
Gandian's a greedy elf, and Jamina found that out the hard way. :D

Some of my favorites for the event, in no particular order:
1. The Survival challenge, with my team that sounded like a bad rock band: Gandian and the Dark Elves!
2. The mining caravan protection mod with the gnolls was awesome! (Thanks again NPCs!)
3. Gandian getting terminated, back attacked, vertigo'd, intoxicated, sleep'd, and bribed: All for the heck of it (And a little money from Jamina and Fern along the way!).
4. Me being invested in the kitchen. Man that's convenient!
5. Watching Fern being all reassuring to everyone and making me think very highly of him for awhile before discovering that he was required to do that for his new magic item to work. That made me laugh.
6. Gabriel blowing up the table and having us all go "Oooh! Ah!" when, OOG, there was actually nothing to ooh or ah at so it looked and sounded really funny. Once again, that made me laugh.
7. Me getting 10 gold richer! I feel wealthy now!

And so many more things. Once again, thank you so much NPCs for all you did, as well as thank you PCs for making this event another fantastic weekend!
Lurin said:
Guest cooking by Jamina, hope she didn't leave Mc'Gregors tavern in a mess!

Figures she would get all the credit - Especially during while I was doing all zee cooking, her commenting "I am not chasing you all over the tavern with your beard on fire."

Some of My Favs (Also in no particular order):
Several great moments during the Survival challenge with Ivan & Emilynn Npcing
Getting invested in the kitchen for the first time!
Gabriel discussing his ideas concerning the tavern.
The spider recovery mod aka the farmer's wife mod.

And Some Favorite quotes -
"The sauce is good"
"No! I don't want that!" (And quickly runs away}
"Gimme that!" "Uh uh." {wap, thud}
Gabriel: "Can I have out? ... Please?"
Gandian's a greedy elf: "I'm being soo used"
"Here, Hold this." {then said item smacks into the person *behind* me} "Okay."
Gabriel: "You think I'd actually bring explosives?" gets "the look" from several people.
"Wait a minute, Fern is WHAT?! Do you have a purify?"
"That's not me." (while looking at a reflection)
plus too many more to list here.

And oh yes -
I missed the TROLLS?!?!?! {Fill in your own dwarven cussing here...}
The trolls were the first enemies of event, so of course you missed 'em. The first troll was what I found my semi-useless magic item on.
Oi! There were TWO dryads there, not one~!

I enjoyed helping Gabriel blow up the table, and Gandian, I DID give you money. It was also very funny to watch you get intoxicated, I'm sorry to say. You play a spectacular drunk.