Well thats odd...


These are my findings from looking into on fire animals. I am not sure how to make heads or tails of this information. I would like others opinions into what dis might be.

You go with Gain Train to Pratorak. They talk a lot and are good drinkers, but walk slow so you can take time to go hunting for meat while on the road. Soon you get to barracks where adventurers stay, and closest village Crog’s Crag, full of High Orcs. The forest around Crag good for hunting. Lots of big game.

High Orcs tell you about aminals on fire. They not running around scared, one called Borik says, like being on fire is not too bad to them. Maybe they not ON fire, says another called Marg, maybe they BE fire. Like fire shaped into animal? Maybe, prob’ly not. But they don’t catch the woods on fire. That’s good.

You and the High Orcs talk about how good flavor must be for aminals on fire. They slow-cook that way, lots of smoke flavor cook right in you think. But Borik disagrees. Meat is probably too well done this way, he thinks. He likes it better rare. Maybe you can catch one and find out.

You go to the woods where High Orcs say, and look for fire. Should be easy, you think, you can see fire and smoke from way far off. But you don’t see any fire critters the first day, or the day after. The third day you find a rabbit on fire. Boring! But still good. You catch it easily and slay it, being sure not to damage the meat. The fire goes out almost the second it dies. Weird. Before you have a chance to skin it, a giant grey-skinned lizard guy runs up on two legs, yelling something at you. What he so mad about? Also what kind of lizard talk like that and stand up?

You tell him it your fire rabbit, you seen it first! But you think that just make him madder. Maybe he been looking for one for a couple days too? Well too bad. He raises his tiny club to attack you, and you swing your sword back at him. He ducks, but you hit him on the backswing. He pulls back, and says again to stay away from fire guys. Then he runs away, going south and more into the forest. Good thing he had just a little stick and you had your big sword. You think you could have taken him, though. But if he has bigger friends maybe, you want your friends with you too.

You take the not-on-fire-anymore rabbit back to the village. The fur even looks barely singed from being on fire. You butcher it, and find the meat doesn’t look cooked at all! But you roast it over a fire, and find that it does have a pleasant smoky flavor. Three stars, would try again.

I know Zihr also had a run in with lizards that wanted to pay for seed with dirt I believe. If anyone has knowledge of what this might be I greatly be happy to hear it.


A sentient grey skinned lizard person could very well be a troglodyte. It may also be something unknown to me as well. If they are troglodytes I would expect them to be stronger than to run off after getting hit once, but then again if it was chasing after a rabbit perhaps it wasn't their most skilled hunter, I mean a skilled hunter such as yourself Bruisey appears to have dispatched it with ease.

As for the flaming animals, I can't be sure but in the past we have come across animals who contained chimeric spirits of Flame and Ice. They were somewhat similar to what you describe but again it could be something else entirely.

There is clearly something magical involved here and I doubt that it is for the greater good that a monstrous race is taking an interest in animals bursting with flame.

If I were a gambling man, which I am not, I would bet that whatever this lizard creature you met was is part of a group that is creating these flame animals. For what purpose? I'm not sure but my guess would be to imbue war animals with this power to attack local settlements.

Just my two copper,
Oliver Olwen Oleander

Would this be like ICe Bears and Fire Bears from the Feb Event where we first met and you let me put new two handed sword on credit because i was new. and Roland helped me pay you back. this was very nice of you and I stills remembers.

Yes Bruisey that is what I was thinking of. Though as I said this may be something completely different.

-Oliver Olwen Oleander