Were-friends Justice Squad

If anyone can help me locate a Werebat, Werebadger, Wereram, Werepeacock, and Werefish I would be eternally grateful and the land would be a better place. Thank you for your time.

Rupert Pyke
Diplomancer for Hire
We are now also looking for a Were-mammoth.

Have you and yours looked into the procurement of a Vision scroll to aid in this endeavor?

One Shield; Confused and Bewildered,
I would be interested in meeting a Were-Osprey for some light nibbling on my arm.

I can pay.

Dorgun the not Osprey enough
Rupert, you gotta' be more specific. Zara wants to be a wereSHARK. Not just a fish - a SHARK!

And don't forget... "NO".

I look forward to seeing you again someday. We were in a pretty rough spot there in Corrheim and you made it a little less so. Thanks for your being funny and stuff.

-Squire Jovunn
Well Jovunn, should you ever need someone Diplomanced or poor creatures with the misfortune of not being protected by the laws killed for money, let me know. I also do name day celebrations and funerals for a modest fee.

Rupert Pyke
Also, for those of you who are unsure what to look for, here is an artist rendering of a werebat.

Why does it have a spike on its #($*&!!! WHY!?!?

Hey there friend, that's a tail. You know, bats have little tails that help them maneuver while flying. You have a smutty mind.
I can't unsee it... I need to drink a lot more before bed, my dreams have been terrifying lately.

Dorgun the Unslept
Is there such thing as a were-armadillo?
Squire Grim, I am pretty darn sure that if there is a not-were animal, there is probably a were-animal twin somewhere in Fortannis. Isn't that how this stuff works? For every creature there is an equal and opposite were-creature?

Would the were-version of an armadillo be a wear-armordillo?

Deep thoughts,
Squire Jovunn
Excuse, little brother, but I am look for Were-FLAMINGO, not Were-PEACOCK. The lady peacocks, the peahens, they are not so beautiful as the males (injustice!). I must be gorgeous in all my forms, danke schoen.

~Irina Rosa Belwing Maitane
Hello, my friends... hearing this clamor in my dreams makes me wish to attempt to speak up as well, for I have a few concerns. I apologize if I am unclear or if, upon waking, I do not remember anything else you may say to me... but thus is the nature of my memory and the dream realm.

If one is so fortunate as to acquire a were-animal for these purposes, I humbly request that the fortunate individual also take the utmost caution, as these animals seem very dangerous. Additionally, If anyone is well-versed in information regarding the care of these animals, or safety precautions and procedures, I would greatly appreciate that information being disseminated as well. Because my memory is so hazy, I would appreciate communication through missive instead, if at all possible. I hate to be a burden, but I want to make every effort to keep everyone involved as safe as possible. I care very much for the people interested in this endeavor, so I'd like to make sure that nothing is done rashly or without careful consideration.

Again, friends, please take care and do as much research as possible. And let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I will do my best!

Kialda Loa, Child of Autumn.
Still kinda wanna see a were-armadillo.......

Future wereram,
Squire Jovunn
Hmmm armordillo....wonder if berry buckets trying to get one...
I don't dream here very often, but this dream makes me think maybe I'm not quite as crazy as people tell me - T'zel
I was so close to becoming a were-octopus.

Ona aspiring cephalopod
Excuse me... i dont think I've had so many people in my dream before... I suppose you all are other people because you talk about things I've never heard of. What is an octopus? I dont think I've seen one of those in the forest, or if I have then I didnt know it was called that. And why do you talk about other animals with the word "were" before it? What does "were" mean? I thought at first maybe a were-animal is fun or shiny... because everyone wants one... or is looking for one. If a were-animal is shiny then I want one too... but then the picture of the werebat is not shiny... almost looks like a kin but more animal like... I dont think these are in the forest that I am from...

but maybe these are kin cousins...like there are different elves and they dont all look the same? I think that must be it...

~Smokey, the werecoon cousin