

Just out of curiosity I was wondering if there was a blacksmith willing to silver a weapon for me. Not entirely sure what the going rate is... I just know that when a werewolf rolled into our camp we were nearly rolled because no one could affect it.
-Lok of Harbors Far
Silvering a weapon is not difficult, merely costly due to the silver consumed in the coating process. So what weapon were you looking to have silvered, Lok?

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith & Guardian of Hopes Reach
my two hander. i only have 3gold 2silver to my name. not sure how expensive it is.

15 silver is the cost to the blacksmith for making it. + whatever he charges as profit for his work. Yea silvered weapons aren't cheep, but they are important to have.

Treasurer of Forest Edge
Would be most worth it. I could pay 21 silver without thinking too much about it.
after an adventure this past weekend i ran into more funds and i am willing to pay 3 gold for the silvering of my two-hander. hope that is a fair price. if any smiths are interested please let me know. -Lok of Harbors Far
I would not worry about the werewolf, Ravenwood has this well under control. we are will be taking it alive with the aid of alchemy. We think that it may be able to be cured or if it can not be saved, lead us to the rest of her brood so we can clean house.