What do I do with these?

Grey (aka mason)

I got a ton of old scrolls
A protection aura
A cloak scroll
Boost duration
An elemental aura
2 Expanded enchantment scrolls
Damage aura
And one preserve duration

Oh, and I still have the void fish

And then there's the five arcanum
3x pryrotis
3x demander
1x truesilver
1x nightshade
1x fangtooth
1x cariosus

So my question is, what do I do with them now?

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All the components are still good in the new rules set up. ritual scrolls if changed can be traded in for new ones when the rule change happens during the winter break. are you planning on coming to the season closer?
Yes, gonna try at least. Also, can anyone help me with reworking my character sheet

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Joe (Gideon) will be set up outside logistics assisting people with builds before seeing Bev to finalize stuff. Waller will not be there to help this time so it will be slower going if many people need help.