What has happened?


Chicago Staff
To My Confrere of Valdanis,

I have made my way back to Valdanis after a long brutal winter in Wayside. In my travels, I find that much has changed here. What has happened to the lands? Are all my fellow adventurers of the lands well? I hope all will be able to dine with me soon and share stories of the winter.

May your travels be smooth,

Eve Rosenfeld-Thornberry
Sister of the Brotherhood of LifeStorm
Initiate of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna
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From what I've gathered, a lot has happened. Including, but not limited to...

-Approximately 200 years passing, which did not include the adventurers of Valdanis.
-Barbarian warlords taking over the former Valdanis, and ruling rather...strictly.
-Most (if not all) of the exceptionally powerful magic of the world being stripped away.
-The endless font of magical energy in the land being, for lack of a better word, plugged.
-The seemingly non-existence of a ####ing library.

Past that, I'm uncertain at best. Also, I have few answers and far more questions...so hopefully we can find something out at the upcoming dinner.