What It Is To Be Elf

Fellow adventurers,

The Great Elder Trees of the forests of Terna, of which Wayside is a part of, have seen fit in their wisdom, to grant me a much longer view on my existence, taking my spirit and making it elven. However, I do not know - what does it mean to be an elf? I humbly ask the other elves out there - what does being an elf mean to you? What should every elf know?

Humbly yours,

Eric Marsters
always respect the forrest , the animals around you, and fight the corruption of the earth that is chaos. every elf is given a bow to play with and learn how to use almost before they learn how to walk. learn to be stubborn by shrugging off commands. when you must fight , remeber that you are fighting for the person next to you
First Asher, now Marsters. How this keep happen?

-Cho Ko Nu
Asher fixed his problem, Cho Ko Nu, he's returned to his proper form. I suppose Elf wouldn't be the worst alternative, but I really can't imagine being anything other than a Child of Autumn.

Marsters, can you tell me more about these Elder Trees? Did you find an entrance to First Forest somewhere in Terna?
