What Skylar Does when the Adventurers Are Away



Run Sheep Run...

See you all in a few weeks.

-Craig, Jenz, and Jeremy
wow, lol
I didn't know Skylar was Scottish.
i didnt know skylar was a sheep. i guess that goes to show you never really can tell about people.
Sunnfire said:
No no, Skylar just made and undead sheep.

I wonder how rock will take it.

Actually, that would be an awful pet, but he might do it, for a price...

Bender, you know where to find me.
i would like to see roc eat a skylar sheep. This has economic potential.
Maybe I'm weird, but I found the gesture the sheep made at approx 0:35 heartbreaking. He just wanted to be with his friends.....
Seriously, Craig, where do you find this stuff?

Shane said:
Skylar is not Zahnnicar.

One of those little things for which the residents of the Hollow can be grateful.