What weather should we expect?

"Kill the naked one!"
I have a strick send "Jehan" to fight undead policy. Unless they invade the town then they are asking for it. I am glad to know that the weather is slated to be nice, I hope that it stays that way.

I like the idea of "undead fighting boxers"!

I hate having to put on my tunic and pants just to go fight the undead when they come in the middle of the night. Nothing inspires the incantation for dragonsbreath to mind like falling out of your bunk, rushing into you clothes, and jumping outside only to find that only 1 crunchy remains.... *sigh*

As for Liddia's "policy" you don't "send" me to do anything. I go because I want to. When you start payin me I might just go because you said so... till then :)

Jehan does get paid on occasion. And I do understand the undead boxers, better than no boxes. Right

Trust me, no one "understands" the undead boxers, you had to experience them, or at least hear the story. It's kind of a local legend. Right after "hobling on a rope".
Wyldweaver said:
I like the idea of "undead fighting boxers"!

I hate having to put on my tunic and pants just to go fight the undead when they come in the middle of the night. Nothing inspires the incantation for dragonsbreath to mind like falling out of your bunk, rushing into you clothes, and jumping outside only to find that only 1 crunchy remains.... *sigh*

As for Liddia's "policy" you don't "send" me to do anything. I go because I want to. When you start payin me I might just go because you said so... till then :)


Just remember the shoes. There's no shame in calling a shoe hold, everyone likes having skin on their toes! :(

Twas a nasty nigth and a nasty nasty toe wound.

I'm sure we'll hear all about the "fighting boxers" and "holding on a rope" from you during some downtimes or very late at night... we have a couple of our own out here.

For some odd reason none come to mind other than truly injurious ones and some ...eh.... not so internet appropriate content.

I think some of the best times are when the stories of past adventures come to light. Watcvhing the adventurers relax and tell each other of their daring do over some drink or other...