What, What Happened

Drew AGB Co-Owner

Gettysburg Staff
What is going on? Am I losing my mind? The Earth no longer calls to me. I tried to heal someone today, the magic, it would not flow from me. What has happened.

Rowen La' Tour
There have been lingering effects since the Change in magic about three months ago. I, myself, once cast Celestial magic and that knowledge was taken from me. Others have had similar experiences. Those with magic ability suddenly found themselves proficient in martial skills. Craftspeople found their knowledge of their professions taken from them only to be replaced by the knowledge of the arcane or of weapons. I am curious in regard to the length of time it took for this to affect you. You should certainly watch your actions and see if you have developed new talents to compensate for the loss of the old ones.

Telokh Amdo
But I was just at FairDale and my magics worked just fine. My Binding spells work just fine, but all my healing wont. I dont understand, it just stopped.

Rowen La'Tour