Whats here?


*sniffing the air and the ground* What kind of land do you keep here? This place smells rotting and worn....can things really live here?
Tyrin, is it?

Yes things do live here. Our land has had a great taint walking upon her for years, but, with the freeing of the White Unicorn things are getting better. We have a fine university, many farms, a mighty river among our treasures. But, the greatest are our peoples.

What brings you here?

Regent FallingStar

vat are you zome kinda travel agent? Vat she fails to mention is de fact dat da White Unicorn i Dead and dat taint creeps all about uz all and will continue without a strong leader willing to break eggs to make za soufle.

I am zuch a leader, strengh of arms, good looks, charming perzonality, problem zolving skills and command experience. Not to mention iz my birthright you cee. Also, I keep my word, to me it iz law, azk ze regent how she feels about it.

Reynios Thargathien

There are indeed people who live here. We welcome visitors here as well. Though the land smells of taint and we do have a large problem with undead I do believe that this is an issue that needs to be solved and we also welcome all the help we can get. Currently there are a few things that plague our land and thus you small the rot and taint. There are people hard at work to clean up the problems.

If you have any questions of lodging or anything else, feel free to contact myself, Regent FallingStar, or Master Kyrie.

May the rolling wind carry you safely,

Master Eldandiril
Squire of Balance, Lightning
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Was ezactly MY first thought when I came to Briarpass all dhat time ago! I tell you, friend, yaye...against ALL conceivable odds, SOMET'ING can survive here. Dhe land is hard. Anyt'ing dhat grows naturally is tough and tasteless...much like dhe people HAHA! Jus' kiddin'...is decent country once you get used to it. But wear high boots. Dhey do nye call it "BRIAR" pass for not'ing. >_<

I myself have ventured to Briarpass only once, but I definitely plan to return, even with the problems that face it (a trip to Wayside is definitely a pleasant break from holding back the Corrupt, even if Wayside itself is equally as troubled as my homeland). True, the land is harsh and teeming with the stain of undeath, but the people are pleasant (for the most part), and that's what really matters.

~ Gandian
What's here? Um...

Well, we have fox-kin and a lotta MWEs,
and a few Biata and a lot of humans (mostly farmers, but a few adventurers too)

There's also Jara's tavern which has some really, really good food there, and people playing cards and stuff.

There's also some undead stuff, and a few vampires, but we got some walls and things to keep 'em away.

And you got me, who'll buy you a drink if you come down here- a new wyldkin's always welcome!
Me..Me!!!*jumps up and down* I'm here too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, not that I don't not dislike Targus, I never got to talk to 'em directly, but he seems like I pretty reasonable guy.

Anywho, I'm here!!!!!!!!!
Tell me....Slavers aren't welcome here yes? What are the laws of these lands? Vampires are scarce yes?
Yaye, dhey scarce. Dhere's just dhe one big one, but some littler ones dhat we don't really see unless we look for dhem. Unless dhey are gone...it has been a while.

Slavers welcome, apparently. Dhere were some slave catchers dhat came after Kyrie one time. It's legal to keep biata as slaves I think...nye in Wayside, but in other places close by.

Nye a fan of slavers either, eh?

Laws o' dhe land, pretty simple. Do nye steal, do nye murder, do nye lie under oath, do nye get it in your head to commit necromancy, address Regents as "Regent", basic things you'll find in any land.

Hope dhis helps!

~Ambassador Marcey Dagon