Where am I?

(A dark brown furred raccoon-kin sits in the dreamscape looking dejected and afraid. Talking to himself, it seems, trying to retrace his steps and make sense of the situation.)

I was on a tour of Ashbury with the Master Dwarf Valim and the shiny Imladar Elf Alto. We stopped for the night to camp and I went to go get firewood and then there was a fog that blew in but without wind... It didn't act like a normal fog that spread out evenly along the forrest floor... It was like a cliff face standing tall... So strange.... I walked with my hand outstretched to touch it and see what it felt like. My hand went in and it didn't feel any different... And not damp like a normal fog. What is on the other side? I wish now that I hadn't stepped in. There was nothing but fog and I was only there for a few seconds before I stepped back out and all the trees were different. Not just in different places but different types of trees entirely. I was in a Forrest of oaks and now I'm in a forest of evergreens... I called out to my friends but heard no reply. I turned back toward the fog and it was gone. I have wandered around for a few days now. None of this terrain looks familiar. Maybe this dream will find someone friendly to help me find my way...

-Smokey raccoon-kin
((A very tall tarantula, standing on two feet appears. She seems... a little monstrous, but she's wearing clothes so she's probably okay. Her voice, when it comes, sounds raspy and harsh, like she was gargling razor blades and the effort of talking seems uncomfortable))

Hello Smokey, I am Ther, a squire. I can hear you, but I don't know where you are, there are two lands usually connected to these mists. If you are willing to let me help you, I know these lands well and I can come find you and guide you to where the rest of our group is if you can offer me details of your surroundings. Don't be afraid, you have come a long way but you are safe for now.

What has happened is you have traveled through the mists- they are banks of fog that take people from place to place, frequently without their permission or desire. It is nothing to be afraid of, and once you are with friends we can get a message back to your people so they know you are safe.

I'm sure you have questions, I am glad to answer them. Everything will be alright.

((She settles down to sit next to Smokey, clearly very unsure about how to offer comfort. This is a weird situation for her.))
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It is nice to meet you, Ther.

A squire-kin? I have not heard of your kind before. But the master dwarf did tell me there were others, across the lands, like me but different. Before now I've only met one other... Well, everyone kept saying she was a raccoon before but some sort of curse changed her into an elf.

But that matters not. The mist... Oh, I think the master dwarf said he got trapped by the mist too.

There is not much I can tell you about where I am. There are pine trees here... The needles are ok to eat. And I have found a stream where I can wash my hands and catch fish and frogs. I have not ran into any creatures that are large and want to kill me. So it seems a lot like my home where I grew up, except I know that it is not.

Perhaps I will follow the stream and see what I can see. I will let you know what I find. Thank you for offering your help. At least now I know that I am not alone here.

Be careful, Smokey. The mists have shifted a great deal since I last saw Valim around these parts. Parna, which was both our home, has been cut off from the mists. Now there is Enneret and this place called the Maelstrom. Enneret you will find mostly familiar. Be careful of the mists there... if they are dark, then they are also foul. But if you run into a lion with a mane of flame, do not panic. Climb a tree and let it be, for they are good omens here. As for the Maelstrom, I have not been, but have heard it is over-run with Elementals from all the planes. Avoid them at all costs, for they have done strange things to the land and people there.

Ther is good people. She is wise beyond her years already, and I've never yet known her to act unintelligently. If you need assistance, you could do far, far worse than she. If she is not around, seek out the Serpent's Pride. My chosen family will help you land safely on your feet.

((Ther is relieved))

I am pleased to hear you are okay, Smokey.

There are many people who have lost their original form for one reason or another, but I am not one of them. My knight, Sir Kreiger, is also a kin. I believe I have met this Master Dwarf before, and I am fairly sure he can find his own way.

There are two lands here, Enerret and the Maelstrom. Enerret is forest woodland and you should be fairly safe traveling there, but be wary of shadowy, dark mist. They will hurt you. You will also find other people there fairly quickly that should be able to direct you to the dwarven highway.
If you find anything nearby you that seems weird, a forest made of stone, peculiar burn marks, or see any elemental creatures, you are in Maelstrom. If you are in Maelstrom you must hide immediately and do not come out until I find you. Maelstrom is a very, very dangerous place and if you are found you will be enslaved, and marked by elementals and we will not be able to get you back. If you must travel, move carefully, hide when you hear noise, and sleep in the trees.

((Ther suddenly realizes she got a little too intense there and backs away a bit.))

Be cautious and look around. I hope you are safe.
Hello Ny'rani. Nice to meet you.

I will be careful. I don't know why but it seems I am not noticeable by many folk. Valim the master dwarf has jumped a few times when I went to ask him about something. He then asks me where I came from? But he knows that I came from the forest... So I don't know why he always would ask.

Oh... I think I know. During my tour of Ashbury, which is a name they have given the land... It seems the people who live in towns have a need to name a great many things. The rivers, the streams, the forests, the land all has names. It is so strange. So maybe he wants to know what is the name of the forest that I lived in... But I do not have an answer to that. I live there, but I do not own it. The forest is itself's.

Anyway, yes. I will be extra careful to be unseen. When I find a town, or anything of interest I will let you know.
Thank you