Where I've been this last forever


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Today, I brought home one very tired momma and one very adorable new baby girl. :D

I give you: Jordan Sophie Weise
Born at 6:06 pm on June 5th. 7 lbs 1oz, and 20.5 inches long. Absolutely perfect delivery. (Well, my wife might disagree on parts of that. :p)





Ryason is now 3, and greatly improving with her behavior and communication. Not so many words yet, but progress. She's got yes ('yeah') and no ('uh uh') down pat, which has helped immensely with communicating everyday things. We're noticing a lot of the mouth exercises and babbling that normally comes a year or two ago, so we're very hopeful that she's just a bit late and not continuing to slip further behind.

Mind you, she's becoming a whiz on the computer:

And she can operate the TV and DVD player. At least she's passed the Dora stage.

It might take me a few more years now, but I'll get back out to see all you guys sometime.

Congrats! I am so happy for you and your family. Your daughters are beautiful! You have indeed been busy while you have been away. We miss you!

Congrats, Tyson. Any sign of tusks yet on either child? ;)

In honor of the addition to the Weise clan I present Queen's "We Are the Champions", as performed by babies. Very funny Flash bit.
Congrats bro, I don't know how I missed this post. The BF guys will wait a few weeks before attempting to eat her for Breakfast ;)