okay i know this is NOT a laughing matter but jeepers Mike that statement made me snicker. but it is a very serious issue and you are 100% right on with that.
On a similiar note, gay adoption is also a biggie. I personally think a person should be able to marry whoever he or she wishes--gay or straight. I was on the fence concerning gay couples adopting until I saw this:

http://www.hulu.com/watch/24921/30-days ... s-p1-so-i0

It's an episode of 30 Days from the 3rd season that aired this past summer. The show is created by Morgan Spurlock, the guy who created the movie Super Size Me. This episode is about a stay at home mom moves in with two gay man and their 4 adopted sons. It's very interesting and is a great look into this lifestyle. It has a lot to do with the marriage arguement as well.

Just throwing it out there! This episode was eye opening to me so I thought I'd share. The entire series is the best reality show because it actually feels real! I can't recommend it enough.
But I like Obama!! First Main-Stream Candidate Is the First Political Person in (now) That kind of Power to say something like

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.

I mean some of them may have included the Races But I have never heard one of them Include Gay in their speechs, because in the above Quotation he is Basically Saying we are the UNITED STATES and In my eyes he also saying EQUAL!!!!


In 3...



The reason people don't currently just get married to their roommates has to do with trust, although there is a bit of social pressure involved. Your "roommate" that you married for healthcare purposes makes some poor spending and debt choices, and you're now also in hot water.

Costco offers a free second membership card for spouse or domestic partner, so my roommate and I split the cost of one, so we could go shopping there. Later, he decided to move out, so I told a few people that my domestic partner left me for another man (his current landlord), and I lost the Costco membership in the breakup. I was slightly proud of myself at that turn of phrase, but a few weeks later, I found out that most of the trumpet section thought I was gay, including the ones who have met my girlfriend at several banquets. So, there's a social reason why you might not do that...
I'm 100% in support of gay marriage, as long as it's between two hot chicks.

(Disclaimer: This is a joke meant in good humor. It is not meant to offend anyone. I hugged a gay man just last weekend)

Seriously though, we need a new political party. I am an independent who usually votes Republican. I voted for McCain. However, both parties are so hung up in the "party line" and you can't seem to win without toeing the party line a good percentage of the time.

I am a fiscal conservative, I lean to being a warhawk, I do not practice a religion but consider myself strong in faith, I believe in a woman's right to choose but I also believe in not using abortion as "birth control", I am very liberal on social issues, I support gay rights (though I don't care if what it's called), I believe in the right to own guns and in hunters' rights, I would have no issue with pot being legal, but want stiffer penalties for other drugs which I have seen destroy lives and families (including two coked up murderers I knew personally). I believe in giving people a helping hand IF they also want to help themselves. I believe hugely in personal responsibility, which is disappearing in our society daily. I believe in checks and balances and that we need opposite opinions to find a middle ground. I believe we have way too much government and that the people in it throw away our hard earned money or put it in their pocket. I believe the media does not report but tries to push their own agendas and the average person just doesn't get the "facts" of either side. I believe McCain and Obama and probably Biden and Palin are/were good people, but to rise to the level they did, they have to make concessions and outright deals with the devil. I believe people need to learn to disagree but to do it without trying to destroy their opponents as a person. Ad hominem attacks are the choice of political campaigns.

So where do I fit in? Where do any of us fit in? The two parties are so polarized. A moderate can't win anything. And IMO, what we need IS a moderate.

I voted for McCain as much of America did. But that is over and I'm now rooting for Obama to help our country. He has majorities in the house and senate. The checks and balances will be few. One of the reasons I voted for McCain was to help keep those checks and balances. So many people have pinned their hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow to this man. I have not. But I have an open mind. I think he is smart. I hope he has integrity and I hope he makes good choices. Time will tell and I'm more than willing to give hime a chance. But I'm not as hopeful as so many people on this board and so many Americans. People have put such high expectations on him, and the reality probably is that he will be another presidential cog in the political machine. The sun will come up tomorrow and next year and how much will really have changed? We will all keep struggling on. It's the nature of human history. There are no messiahs.

okay Scott the beginning of that cracked me up seriously!

as for that video that the cookie chef posted...I can't hear what anyone is saying (no sound card on a thin client) but i could watch it and semi figured out what was going on. I didn't know that there were places that homosexual couples couldn't get kids. but then i live in liberalville so everything is acceptable here.

and also...we DEFINITELY need a third party independent something or other for those of us who have to "settle" for who we want to vote for
Robb Graves said:
it's creepy that scott and i share so many beliefs. in a good way.

Why's it creepy? It's 'cause we're smrt...S. M. R. T.... I mean S. M. A. R. T.

We're going to share even more next year...but I'm gonna let it be a mystery you'll have to find out IG, mwuhahahahahahaha.
Robb Graves said:
it's creepy that scott and i share so many beliefs. in a good way.

Actually, Scott and I agree too; we just tend to disagree on which party can best achieve most of those things.

I like to argue politics (obviously -- I was a Poli Sci major and have worked on many campaigns) but in many ways I think I'm fairly moderate even while I lean strongly left on certain issues having to do mostly with civil rights and what are basically "libertarian" issues.

I supported Obama because, despite the way people tried to portray him as some sort of radical, he really is fairly moderate, and I think many people will be surprised when they see how he runs the country that way. (He's sure to anger some of the more radical liberals out there).
Presidential Good Decision #1: Barack chooses Rahm Emmanual as his Chief of Staff. Great Choice!!!

An, no - for those of you who don't already know - Rahm is NOT an Arab or a Moslem. In fact, he is Jewish.
wow...I didn't know that Jewish folk named their children God With Us....I was thinking spanish decent...but hey ...I don't know the guy.
Fearless Leader said:
Robb Graves said:
it's creepy that scott and i share so many beliefs. in a good way.

Actually, Scott and I agree too; we just tend to disagree on which party can best achieve most of those things.

I like to argue politics (obviously -- I was a Poli Sci major and have worked on many campaigns) but in many ways I think I'm fairly moderate even while I lean strongly left on certain issues having to do mostly with civil rights and what are basically "libertarian" issues.

I supported Obama because, despite the way people tried to portray him as some sort of radical, he really is fairly moderate, and I think many people will be surprised when they see how he runs the country that way. (He's sure to anger some of the more radical liberals out there).

I hope that's true Mike. This country is a much better place when people are united. Unfortunately that usually only happens during a crisis like WWII or Sept 11. Time will tell.

Fearless Leader said:
Ezri said:
They banned same sex marriages in Cali.

Listen, in my book you can hate my lifestyle if you want. You can think I'm going to hell (and I might be worried - if I thought there WAS a hell). I don't care.


I don't care what the Bible, Koran, Torah or any other religious text says about my lifestyle. Keep it out of my government.

Yeah, apparently the message America gave yesterday was this:

America is the land of opportunity where we accept people of all races to join in with our society!

But not you damned faggots.

It'll change though. Young voters overwhelmingly voted against it. There will be gay marriage everywhere eventually and all our citizens can be equal under the law; it's inevitable.

Obama wins, but Cali bans same sex marriage. Black man in white house, but a new people to opress. One step forward, one step back. Honastly, I truly do not ever expect teh world to get better. Human nature really isn't that great.
The way to look at it though is this:

Every time this issue comes before the voters (gay marriage) it loses, but it loses by a smaller margin each time. The numbers are moving in the direction of acceptance and tolerance. It will happen eventually, just be optomistic.

John Stewart had a good comment on it last night... The Mormon church spent millions of dollars to defeat the measure. And, as everyone knows, if there is one thing the Mormon church was founded on it was that marriage is only between one man and .... uh, oh.
Mike stop it! you keep making me laugh and i have to tell myself its not a laughing matter!!! :D
Ondreij said:
Presidential Good Decision #1: Barack chooses Rahm Emmanual as his Chief of Staff. Great Choice!!!

An, no - for those of you who don't already know - Rahm is NOT an Arab or a Moslem. In fact, he is Jewish.

So we now have:

A black President...

with a Jewish Chief of Staff...

whose Vice President is Catholic...

and third in line, Speaker of the House, is a Catholic Woman...

with a Mormon Senate Majority Leader.

Now that's America!
So I woke up Wednesday morning and heard that The Rock was president. I was all like "Hell yeah, I love that guy!" Then someone told me it was Barack and I guess that's okay. But The Rock would be a way cooler president. He would give Bin Laden the peoples elbow and taxes would disappear with one raised eyebrow. He'd make Vince Mcmahon marry all the gay couples. And he has tons of foreign experience from his days as the scorpion king.
elliotbay said:
I think this is relevant to our current discussion.

Apparently, it's only funny when Mike talks about it.