I enjoy NERO because I then can think about magic, combat, medieval aristocracy, plots, and adventures rather than deriving the shearing force on bolts and calculating how much force the erector spinae muscles exert to lift a 50lb object.
I enjoy the real-time aspect of it. In a table-top you can stop and think about the situation. In mind's-eye theater you stop and play rock paper scissors. In NERO you yell the incanct and throw the spell, dodge the incoming orc's sword, and then shoot an arrow at the hedge wizard in the back. Even though there is downtime over the weekend that downtime is real time. You can go converse with people, you can find out gossip, you can go meditate, you can sleep, you can eat, even challenge other people to duals (or backstab). The fact that there are no time lapses is great in my honest opinion. Like in table-top gaming, time can slow down for the players to think then time speeds up when they run from Tacoma to Seattle so that it's a fraction of a second. In NERO if you're waiting for something in a month, you have to wait that month and even though the wait can be excruciating it's a pain that feels so good. At least to me. Um... bye.
I enjoy the real-time aspect of it. In a table-top you can stop and think about the situation. In mind's-eye theater you stop and play rock paper scissors. In NERO you yell the incanct and throw the spell, dodge the incoming orc's sword, and then shoot an arrow at the hedge wizard in the back. Even though there is downtime over the weekend that downtime is real time. You can go converse with people, you can find out gossip, you can go meditate, you can sleep, you can eat, even challenge other people to duals (or backstab). The fact that there are no time lapses is great in my honest opinion. Like in table-top gaming, time can slow down for the players to think then time speeds up when they run from Tacoma to Seattle so that it's a fraction of a second. In NERO if you're waiting for something in a month, you have to wait that month and even though the wait can be excruciating it's a pain that feels so good. At least to me. Um... bye.